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Grade : [Sorcier] Inscrit le 22/07/2003 |
y a de quoi etre degoute, certes ( surtout que c'est rare de voir un jeu storm en bloc ), mais ce n'est pas une raison Surtout que tu joues que 2 copies et non pas 3
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Grade : [Nomade] Inscrit le 09/05/2004 |
Les bons départs ne sont pas conseillés sur MWS => ça fait planter le jeu... oops quitter le joueur (on s'y perdrait!).
![]() ++ (oui j'en ai encore) [ Dernière modification par SPynO le 19 avr 2007 à 13h13 ]
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Grade : [Nomade] Inscrit le 09/05/2004 |
Avoir un QI supérieur à celui d'une moule est handicapant sur MWS... vu le niveau des joueurs (au moins ça raccourcit les parties).
![]() (la suite arrive) [ Dernière modification par SPynO le 19 avr 2007 à 13h17 ]
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Grade : [Nomade] Inscrit le 09/05/2004 |
Jouer des cartes pas très connues mais sympa fait quitter... c'est bien connue. Surtout quand on doit chercher ce qu'est le phasing.
![]() yop yen a plein encore
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Grade : [Nomade] Inscrit le 09/05/2004 |
Connaitre les règles vous fait passer pour un idiot => et on vous quitte. On aura tout vu.
![]() (le prochain est un français aussi, enfin vu sa manière d'écrire, je me demande encore)
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Grade : [Nomade] Inscrit le 09/05/2004 |
Apprendre ses règles......................................... avant de venir jouer (et si possible ne pas quitter comme un débile).
![]() Voilà, repos maintenant.
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Grade : [Nomade] Inscrit le 09/05/2004 |
Je tiens à répondre à ce post car j'ai souvent joué avec <GhostRUS]> et son deck étrange (dont j'ai la liste d'ailleurs, et qui tourne bien). Je lui ferais part de ton mécontentement sur msn (il s'agit quand meme d'un point de règle délicat, il a du trouvé ta manière de lui parler un peu méprisante). ++ [ Dernière modification par SPynO le 19 avr 2007 à 13h36 ]
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Grade : [Seigneur] Inscrit le 20/04/2006 |
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Grade : [Divinité] Inscrit le 16/03/2003 |
Hey all!!
Un mec magic! La partie commence pas mal ,c'est equilibré... et la, en 3eme round je lui sort un Extirpate et il refuse de me montrer sa bibliotheque! A partir de la, c'est le strike ^^ Voila un sceen au moment ou je poste, et le log PS : Le mec n'as toujours pas quitté^^ ![]() [FR]Gandalf2KK vs Harddrive [20/04/2007 21:19:41] .... 0:06:15 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> wow, your one lucky newb ( ICI, je viens de gagné la 1ere, marante sa félicitation! ) 0:06:19 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 0:06:21 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> thx, you tpp 0:06:22 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> too 0:06:22 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> no land 0:06:25 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> 2nd? sb? 0:07:06 [Harddrive] <Opponent is requesting a new game> ... 0:00:00 [Harddrive] <-------- New Game Started --------> .... 0:02:20 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Whoo, your lucky noob ^^^ No land (La, il gagne la 2eme, alors je lui resort la meme blague qu'il m'as fait talleur, il rigole, il a l'air un peu sympa a ce moment ) 0:02:21 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> 3rd? 0:02:24 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> like I do 0:02:26 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:02:30 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^^ ... 0:00:00 [Harddrive] <-------- New Game Started --------> ... Et la, c'est partie! 0:02:03 [Harddrive] Harddrive plays Mwonvuli Acid-Moss from Hand 0:02:05 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] [FR]Gandalf2KK puts Island to Graveyard from Play 0:02:06 [Harddrive] Harddrive puts Mwonvuli Acid-Moss to Graveyard from Play 0:02:07 [Harddrive] Harddrive is looking its Library... 0:02:09 [Harddrive] Harddrive puts Forest into play from Library 0:02:10 [Harddrive] Harddrive taps Forest 0:02:11 [Harddrive] Harddrive shuffles library 0:02:11 [Harddrive] Harddrive stops looking its Library... 0:02:12 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> End my turn 0:02:13 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] [FR]Gandalf2KK taps Swamp 0:02:14 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] [FR]Gandalf2KK plays Extirpate from Hand 0:02:17 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> Ok 0:02:20 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Mwovuli 0:02:22 [Harddrive] Harddrive plays Harmonize from Hand (La, il me montre sa main Harmo, vesuv et blast) 0:02:22 [Harddrive] Harddrive plays Vesuvan Shapeshifter from Hand 0:02:22 [Harddrive] Harddrive plays Psionic Blast from Hand 0:02:25 [Harddrive] Harddrive puts Mwonvuli Acid-Moss to RFG from Graveyard 0:02:27 [Harddrive] Harddrive is looking its Library... 0:02:31 [Harddrive] Harddrive puts Mwonvuli Acid-Moss into play from Library 0:02:32 [Harddrive] Harddrive puts Mwonvuli Acid-Moss into play from Library 0:02:33 [Harddrive] Harddrive shuffles library 0:02:33 [Harddrive] Harddrive stops looking its Library... 0:02:34 [Harddrive] Harddrive puts Mwonvuli Acid-Moss to RFG from Play 0:02:35 [Harddrive] Harddrive puts Mwonvuli Acid-Moss to RFG from Play 0:02:35 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] [FR]Gandalf2KK puts Extirpate to Graveyard from Play 0:02:37 [Harddrive] Harddrive puts Harmonize to Hand from Play 0:02:38 [Harddrive] Harddrive puts Vesuvan Shapeshifter to Hand from Play 0:02:38 [Harddrive] Harddrive puts Psionic Blast to Hand from Play 0:02:42 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> can i see your lib plz 0:02:50 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I don't care, not relevant (Traduction : Pas la peine, ya rien de beau a voir ^^ ) 0:02:53 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> go 0:02:57 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Can i see your lib plz (Je recommence) 0:02:59 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I can't play moss 0:03:01 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> so go 0:03:08 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Can i see your lib PLZ (La j'insiste, et c'est partie pour l'engueulade ^^ ) 0:03:09 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> what would it matter 0:03:15 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> in what way does it matter 0:03:18 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Saw your alternative Kills 0:03:21 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:03:27 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> go or leave newb (Il me dit de quitté ou de jouer) 0:03:30 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 0:03:33 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I don't care 0:03:50 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Why don t you want to show me that, it s written on the card 0:04:02 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> ya and I did everything thats relevenat 0:04:04 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> go 0:04:22 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> or run 0:04:23 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> If we where on tornament, it s a Warning for you 0:04:36 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> if it where a tourmnet I would gladly let you 0:04:39 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> but where not 0:04:48 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> so go or cry some more 0:05:10 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> I ll cry some more, it may be a good Sceenshot for "Worst of noobs on MWs" ^^ (Ici, c'est magic ^^ Je lui dis que ca va etre un bon sceen pour ce topic) 0:05:14 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:05:27 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> going to cry over irrelevant stuff 0:05:33 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^Yes 0:05:37 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> than run, I win 0:05:46 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> not game altering in the least 0:05:57 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> saw hand 0:06:00 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> all removed 0:06:06 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> go 0:06:12 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Actually, i think you ll win this one, why are you noobing like this 0:06:17 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> your going to lose 0:06:22 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> thats why your crying about this 0:06:23 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:06:46 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Yeah, maybe. but it's on the rules : I have to search on your lib 0:07:03 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> it only says search so that all copies get removed 0:07:11 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> not so you can't cout the deck 0:07:15 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> scout 0:07:25 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> If i search your lib, i can saw all 0:07:36 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> sure, but I don't care, if you leave I won 0:07:38 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Because of MWS, you search your library, but i can saw all 0:07:38 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> win 0:07:54 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I don't care, if you leave I win 0:08:02 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> if you don't go I win 0:08:07 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> It s not a tournament Man, you wont win anithing 0:08:08 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^^ 0:08:10 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> stop stalling 0:08:12 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> newb 0:08:15 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^Thx, 0:08:16 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> you too 0:08:19 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> running? 0:08:40 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Maybe not, it s an interessing Screenshot, i already told you 0:08:47 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> ? 0:08:59 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> you lose newb, so either play it out or leave 0:09:00 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:09:06 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 0:09:19 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> I ll prefere to wait here ![]() 0:09:43 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> only reason someone would hold up on this is because there just netecking 0:09:47 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:09:57 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 0:10:03 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> name another reason 0:10:05 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> newb 0:10:09 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> if not so 0:10:48 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> I ve already told you : I wan t to check alternative kill. You know, forum are better way to find the construction of a "Brind-Scryb" 0:11:25 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> but you can't remove them without expirate, so its pointless 0:11:28 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:11:34 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^^ 0:11:44 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^Hey maybe i play 10 extirpate ^^ 0:12:00 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> doesn't matter how many you have 0:12:13 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> knowing what I have doesn't stop me from just playing it 0:12:25 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> than you have to deal 0:12:28 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> than remove 0:12:34 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> than it doesn't matter 0:12:36 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> idiot 0:12:37 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:12:38 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 0:12:42 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Thx, you too 0:12:55 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> what, the doesn't matter part? 0:13:43 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> you obviously don't know what your getting into, I can wait all day 0:13:43 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> I ll go watching TV, you can stay if you want ^^^ It s too booring here to stay with a idiot 0:14:00 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> see above copy cat 0:14:00 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Yeah, it s simple : Lanch another MWS ^^^ and play 0:14:07 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> so 0:14:09 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:14:23 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I can leave this running 24h+ 0:14:26 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Yeah 0:14:29 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> me too 0:14:29 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I win either way newb 0:14:38 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Really goos Sceenshot for worst of noob 0:14:51 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> coming from someone who's obviously dead on board 0:14:54 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:15:23 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> yeah 0:15:50 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> guess I win in every way, go and watch TV newb 0:15:51 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Where are you frim? 0:15:54 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> from? 0:16:00 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> guess I win in every way, go and watch TV newb 0:16:20 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> and from, wouldn't you like to know 0:16:23 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:16:24 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 0:16:42 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Bah, your not the noobest i ve seen 0:16:49 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> your stupider than you look 0:16:54 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> soudn 0:16:58 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> sound should I say 0:17:15 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^^ 0:17:26 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> clearly dead, on board, making trouble over nothing 0:17:31 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^You look as dark as your face 0:17:40 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> ? 0:17:42 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 0:17:51 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> is that suppose to make sense? 0:18:02 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:18:03 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> idiot 0:18:06 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Not at all, just joking 0:18:13 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> doubt that 0:18:15 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:18:17 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> hehe 0:18:20 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> just and idiot+newb 0:18:26 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> thx 0:18:38 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> You not bad too 0:19:26 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> I ve find another play 0:19:26 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ++ 0:19:31 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> you obviously don't realize just how much free time I have 0:19:41 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> this means nothing to me 0:19:42 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> You may be a gheek 0:19:43 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^^ ( La j'ai arreté de parler...) 0:19:56 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> your the geek if anyone is 0:20:00 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:20:07 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> dead on board 0:20:16 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> and making excuses 0:20:28 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> whats that called? 0:20:31 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:21:04 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> surely attacking me for 5 next turn will put you in a winning position? 0:21:06 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 0:21:40 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> guess your watching TV now, later newb 0:21:53 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> don't flame to much when you finally do leave 0:38:45 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^Still here? 0:42:48 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> came back did you newb 0:42:54 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^^ 0:43:10 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> still to afraid to finish I see 0:43:50 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> yeah, i m sooo Scarree 0:44:00 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> tht much is obvious 0:44:51 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> if you where winning you would have continued the game 0:44:53 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> idiot 0:44:55 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol A l'heure ou je vous parle, il est toujours dans la partie... et veux pas quitter! D'ailleur, je lui envois en cette fin de message le lien de ce topic ^^ Ca va etre drole ![]() EDIT : Et voici la suite ^^ ! Je lui la balance le lien : :00:01 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Hey 1:00:04 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> i got a present for you 1:00:11 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> don't bother idiot 1:00:14 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> http://www.magiccorporation.com/gathering-forum-viewtopic-14-61266-210.html#778212 1:00:24 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Î told you it would be a great sceenshot ^^ 1:00:29 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> not even going to bother newb 1:00:33 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 1:00:42 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> how dumb are you 1:00:58 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^thx 1:01:01 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> But it s funny lol 1:01:41 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> it what way 1:01:49 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> would it just look bad for you? 1:01:52 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 1:03:08 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> You like it? 1:03:32 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> didn;t check idiot, how many times do I have to say it idiot 1:03:33 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 1:03:40 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 1:03:41 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> i ll check 1:04:01 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> check your own 1:04:05 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> go for it 1:04:08 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> 8 times i guest 1:04:12 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^^ 1:04:13 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> ? 1:04:17 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> 8 what 1:04:29 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^You said 8 times "Idiot" 1:04:35 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ^:p 1:04:36 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> you are 1:04:41 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> so sue me 1:04:50 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I make my point clear 1:04:54 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> unlike you Edit 2 : Encore un peu pour chauchau qui en rafole! 1:07:54 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> gone agin? 1:07:58 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> no 1:08:01 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 1:08:24 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> what possible gain would you have from posting this 1:08:31 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> your the one who won;t play 1:08:32 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 1:08:38 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ![]() 1:08:57 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Now, it s not a question of Magic, i played 2 games since your waiting here 1:09:01 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> It s just for fun 1:09:16 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> you think I've been sitting here doing nothing? 1:09:18 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 1:09:23 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> your are stupid aren't you 1:09:25 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 1:09:39 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> I don t thought so 1:09:47 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> it would seem you are 1:10:00 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Ha : "Stupid" it s different from "Idiot" you ve got good vocabulary 1:10:12 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> means the same thing 1:10:14 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 1:10:27 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> what do you expect 1:10:45 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> everything you've said just gets dumber and dumber 1:10:56 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> obviously I'm going to call you that 1:11:01 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> I expect that your geting more and more funny 1:11:24 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> more and more funny, you mean laugh at you more and more 1:11:39 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> if so than your correct newb 1:11:49 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Maybe not, i m not so bad guy. 1:12:04 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> bad guy, ok but your suck at magic 1:12:15 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol, thx 1:13:05 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I wonder if you'll ever release how dumb this is making you look 1:13:14 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> realize 1:13:23 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> so do you 1:13:40 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> care to put in a sentence that makes sense? 1:14:48 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> is there a reason why you feel like parading around the fact that you lost? 1:14:52 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> i said, it s makes you look dumb too 1:15:00 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> in what way 1:15:04 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> your losing 1:15:07 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> and stalling 1:15:16 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> hows that refleting on me 1:15:17 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 1:15:24 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> If you show me your lib, i ll continu playing ![]() 1:15:53 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> what are you talking about you lose if you don't continue 1:16:15 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I'll make it clear, if you don't continue, I win 1:16:34 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> how do I lose from this position? 1:16:39 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> you do nothing , I win 1:16:44 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> lol 1:16:51 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> you play, I probably win 1:17:04 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> Yeah, with your hand and mine, i m probability sure you win 1:17:12 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> ok 1:17:12 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> To win, you juste have to show me your lib 1:17:20 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I win if you do nothing 1:17:25 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> so why should I 1:17:26 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 1:17:27 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> How stupid are you, just show me your lib, and you win : easy 1:17:43 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I win by not showing my library, how dumb are you? 1:17:48 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> lol 1:17:51 [[FR]Gandalf2KK] <[FR]Gandalf2KK> ![]() 1:17:58 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> thats why your an idiot [ Dernière modification par Gandalf20000000 le 20 avr 2007 à 22h52 ]
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Grade : [Seigneur] Inscrit le 20/04/2006 |
sérieux mais
![]() moi le gars il me fais cela mais je le pourris !!!
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Grade : [Nomade] Inscrit le 19/07/2004 |
Quel moment d'anthologie...
Et quel sang froid Gandalf... Excellent meme si un peu long à lire, ça en vaut le détour.
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Modération : Arts, Decks Grade : [Modo Forum] Inscrit le 11/10/2003 |
1:17:43 [Harddrive] <Harddrive> I win by not showing my library, how dumb are you? Extraterrestre cette phrase : il gagne parce qu'il refuse d'appliquer les règles et de montrer sa biblio sur Extirpate ... ![]()
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Grade : [Sorcier] Inscrit le 22/07/2003 |
Lotus bloom + Rift bolt + Dragonstorm = 3 copies Il en contre une 3-1 = 2
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Grade : [Sortisan] Inscrit le 29/10/2006 |
J'aimerai savoir au bout de combien de temps il a quitté. Car, là, il était parti pour un siège. En tout cas, excellent : j'étais plié de rire en lisant. Je lui décerne la palme du plus bel idiot de MWS.
Extirpate est une carte à problèmes (avec Blink). Durant une partie sur Webwizard (mac, donc 15 joueurs réguliers maxi), mon adversaire (un français ![]() Mais à aucun moment, il n'y a eu d'insulte. Il s'est juste déconnecté rapidement après la fin de la partie après avoir écrit "gg". Rien de bien méchant.
___________________ Une fois qu'on a appris à contrôler le vieux réflexe vomitif, c'est hallucinant toutes les perspectives alimentaires que ça ouvre. |
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Grade : [Nomade] Inscrit le 09/05/2004 |
Bon ben j'ai eu un loustic Italien. Pour une fois. Les trucs importants dans les logs sont en gras.
Partie 1, là où tout à commencé (et pas vraiment bien, d'ailleurs). 0:01:01 Nous sommes maintenant dans la phase Principale d'avant Combat 0:01:10 [Bella Zio] Bella Zio joue Chrome Mox depuis sa Main 0:01:14 [Bella Zio] Bella Zio engage Chrome Mox 0:01:22 [Bella Zio] Bella Zio joue Chromatic Sphere depuis sa Main 0:01:22 [Bella Zio] <Bella Zio> End my turn 0:01:23 [Bella Zio] Le tour 2 débute (SPynO [FR]) 0:01:24 [Bella Zio] Nous sommes maintenant dans la phase de Début, étape de Dégagement 0:01:24 [SPynO [FR]] <SPynO [FR]> ? 0:01:37 [SPynO [FR]] <SPynO [FR]> you have to remove a card 0:01:40 [SPynO [FR]] <SPynO [FR]> for the mox 0:01:43 [Bella Zio] <Bella Zio> may 0:02:11 [SPynO [FR]] <SPynO [FR]> you can't play Chromatic Sphere 0:02:21 [Bella Zio] <Bella Zio> yes 0:02:21 [SPynO [FR]] <SPynO [FR]> because the mox don't produce mana 0:02:25 [Bella Zio] <Bella Zio> yes 0:02:31 [Bella Zio] <Bella Zio> mana without 0:02:32 [Bella Zio] <Bella Zio> color 0:02:34 [SPynO [FR]] <SPynO [FR]> ... 0:02:39 [SPynO [FR]] <SPynO [FR]> learn rules 0:02:41 [SPynO [FR]] <SPynO [FR]> check it out 0:02:47 [<System>] <System> Connexion perdue avec le joueur Encore un type qui ne sait pas jouer et qui s'en va sans qu'on puisse lui expliquer.... je me dis, tant pis, ça vaut meme pas le coup de le mettre sur MC lui. Et puis, je le retrouve, quelques secondes après... Partie 2, ça devient intéressant ! Bella Zio mélange sa Bibliothèque <SPynO [FR]> hi again, fuckin quitter Bella Zio mélange sa Bibliothèque Bella Zio a jeté un 7, sur un dé à 20 faces Bella Zio pioche 7 cartes <Bella Zio> kp <SPynO [FR]> wanna see how idiot you are ? <SPynO [FR]> you don't know how to use a mox <Bella Zio> come on <Bella Zio> i change deck before <SPynO [FR]> i don't play with quitter <Bella Zio> i test it <Bella Zio> but i don't know use <Bella Zio> come on <SPynO [FR]> XD <Bella Zio> ahahaha <Bella Zio> come on <Bella Zio> i destroy you <Bella Zio> roll dice <SPynO [FR]> yes <SPynO [FR]> you will destroy me <SPynO [FR]> with moxen <SPynO [FR]> =))))) <Bella Zio> noooooo <Bella Zio> i dont have moxen <SPynO [FR]> let's see Et donc il me dit qu'il a changer de deck, et qu'il va me détruire... je décide de jouer histoire de lui montrer qui c'est qui a la plus grosse. Partie 3, sligh contre controle, ![]() ![]() Il attaque fort, mogg fanatique, foudre et compagnie, et hop il me descend à 4 PdV. Meme pas peur, je sors trinisphere et parallax tide, je bloque completement son jeu, et Vedalken Shackles me permet de me débarasser du mogg. Ensuite la partie va etre lockée pendant 10 tours à peu près, car à chaque fois je remonte la parallax tide en main avec un boomerang, pour la rejouer. Je développe mon jeu tranquillement, et lui, il est deg, il ne peut pas me 'détruire'. XD Nous sommes maintenant dans la phase Principale d'avant Combat <SPynO [FR]> hmm <SPynO [FR]> you are funny <SPynO [FR]> you can't play anything <SPynO [FR]> =) SPynO [FR] joue Island depuis sa Main <Bella Zio> come on Partie 4, vous l'attendiez... le screen. ![]() Enfin voilà, encore une victoire de trinisphere et du ![]() ![]() ++ [ Dernière modification par SPynO le 28 avr 2007 à 00h21 ]