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Avatar de CSI

Hors Ligne

Membre Inactif depuis le 16/02/2018

Grade : [Nomade]

Inscrit le 11/06/2006
296 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts

Envoyé par CSI le Mardi 27 Mars 2007 à 14:33

En voila un beau qui a decouvert que l'initiative c'est fort !... Deja il attaque sans declarer, il m'avait deja fait le coup pour voir si je bloque et après il me fait genre "oups dsl mauvaise manip" et la il croit qu'il tue mon ange...non mais !

Le chan :
0:08:00 [Player] Player plays Bonesplitter Sliver from Hand
0:08:19 [Player] Sidewinder Sliver is now 3/2
0:08:25 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> 3/1
0:08:33 [Player] Bonesplitter Sliver is now 4/2
0:08:38 [Player] Player taps Bonesplitter Sliver
0:08:40 [Player] Player untaps Bonesplitter Sliver
0:08:43 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> 3/1
0:08:57 [Player] Sidewinder Sliver is now 3/1
0:09:02 [[FR] CSI] It is now the Combat Phase, Beginning Of Combat Step
0:09:02 [Player] <Player> sorri
0:09:02 [[FR] CSI] It is now the Precombat Main Phase
0:09:05 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> np
0:09:07 [Player] Player taps Bonesplitter Sliver
0:09:10 [Player] Player untaps Bonesplitter Sliver
0:09:26 [Player] Player taps Sidewinder Sliver
0:09:34 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> atk ?
0:09:42 [[FR] CSI] It is now the Combat Phase, Beginning Of Combat Step
0:09:42 [[FR] CSI] It is now the Combat Phase, Declare Attackers Step
0:09:59 [[FR] CSI] It is now the Combat Phase, Declare Blockers Step
0:10:07 [Player] <Player> Ok
0:10:18 [Player] <Player> dead
0:10:20 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> sliver die
0:10:33 [Player] <Player> angel
0:10:37 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> ?
0:10:48 [Player] <Player> -1/-1
0:10:53 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> and...
0:11:04 [<System>] <System> Player Lost
0:11:05 [[FR] CSI] Firemane Angel is now 3/2
0:20:21 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Bye !

[ Dernière modification par CSI le 27 mar 2007 à 14h34 ]


The Rock forever...


Avatar de Cartetaker17

Hors Ligne

Membre Inactif depuis le 17/09/2007

Grade : [Nomade]

Inscrit le 21/03/2007
3 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts

Envoyé par Cartetaker17 le Mardi 27 Mars 2007 à 19:35

sur ce , je nai pas trop compri le mec n'a pas du aprecier de se prendre un drakôn au 1er tour , il a été pris d'une crise d'histeri


Avatar de Guizmo

Hors Ligne

Membre Inactif depuis le 12/02/2010

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Inscrit le 17/01/2003
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Envoyé par Guizmo le Mardi 27 Mars 2007 à 21:20

Encore un con (pardon mais c'est le mot à utiliser) qui n'utilise pas l'auto-update de MWS et qui donc joue avec un vieux fichier PC (au lieu de PLC).

Bref déjà il me demande sans cesse de jouer vite, et il respecte pas la priorité fin de tour en passant tout le temps à mon untap step pour finir son tour (je deteste les cons qui font ça, faudrait virer le bouton "End of turn", les cons cliquent trop souvent dessus quand ils ont fini, sans meme donner la priorité...)

Bref voici le log, commenté en gras :

It is now turn 5 (Elminster)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
Elminster untaps his/her permanents
It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
Elminster draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
Elminster plays Flagstones of Trokair from Hand
Elminster taps Steam Vents
Elminster taps Flagstones of Trokair
Elminster plays Boom / Bust from Hand
Elminster sacrifices Flagstones of Trokair>>>Tiens il sacrifie ?? je lis donc sa carte, carte PC qui dit bien qu'il faut sacrfier en cout additionnel... tiens bizarre je v directement ouvrir mon classeur à coté de moi pour voir la carte en français)
Elminster is looking its Library...
Elminster puts Hallowed Fountain into play from Library
Elminster shuffles library
Elminster stops looking its Library...
<Elminster> Ok?
Gizmo [FR] taps Plains
Gizmo [FR] taps Island
Gizmo [FR] plays Remand from Hand
Elminster puts Boom / Bust to Graveyard from Play
It is now the End Phase, End Of Turn Step
It is now the End Phase, Cleanup Step
<Gizmo [FR]> could you wait ...
<Elminster> End my turn
<Elminster> sacrifice
<Elminster> is part
<Elminster> of the cost
<Elminster> anyway
<Elminster> Play Faster Plz
<Elminster> End my turn
<Gizmo [FR]> wait a moment
<Elminster> Play Faster Plz
<Elminster> Play Faster Plz
>>>> il devrait apprendre le sens de "ferme ta gueule gros connard stressé"
<Gizmo [FR]> in my language
<Elminster> ?
<Gizmo [FR]> that's : destroy target land and a land you control
<Gizmo [FR]> not sacrifice at part of the cost
[b]<Elminster> looool
<Elminster> LOOOL
<Elminster> read the card
>>>> oui oui je sais lire aussi, mais moi je lis les bonnes cartes, pas une carte tirée d'un fichier texte qui date d'avant la sortie de l'extension
<Gizmo [FR]> has you downloaded official update ?
<Elminster> as additional cost
<Elminster> sac a land
<Elminster> additional costs
<Gizmo [FR]> CARD TEXT: Destroy target land you control and target land you don't control. // Destroy all lands.
<Elminster> no
<Gizmo [FR]> well you havent downloaded official update
<Elminster> is additional
<Gizmo [FR]> check the oracle please ^^
<Elminster> no it's not changed >>> ah oui ?? ben dans ce cas le gatherer est pas au courant !!
<Gizmo [FR]> i check the oracle
<Gizmo [FR]> the gatherer i mean
<Gizmo [FR]> Destroy target land you control and target land you don't control.
<Gizmo [FR]> well please download the good files
<Elminster> ok
<Gizmo [FR]> that's PLC
<Gizmo [FR]> not PC
<Gizmo [FR]> the real good update
<Gizmo [FR]>
<Elminster> ...listen man
<Gizmo [FR]>
<Elminster> o you wanna play now
<Elminster> or not?
<Gizmo [FR]> well yeah
>>>> Oui j'ai rien contre continuer à jouer avec ce con malgré tout, mais j'attends qu'il reprenne son flagstone pour le mettre en jeu, et remette son land dans la bibli pour continuer
<Gizmo [FR]> but take back your flagstone please
<Elminster> fucking french
<Elminster> loser
>>>> Il m'en a pas laissé le temps, on est trop con nous les "fucking french" pour jouer avec des joueurs de son niveau c'est sur, apres tout nous les français on joue avec les vrais cartes, donc c'est sur ça aide pas
<System> Player Lost
<Gizmo [FR]> before continuing

Bref.... Desesperant ces yankees de merde

[ Dernière modification par Guizmo le 27 mar 2007 à 21h21 ]


- Dictionnaire/correcteur pour Firefox Respectons notre langue et ceux qui nous lisent.


Avatar de CSI

Hors Ligne

Membre Inactif depuis le 16/02/2018

Grade : [Nomade]

Inscrit le 11/06/2006
296 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts

Envoyé par CSI le Mercredi 28 Mars 2007 à 20:21

Bon je demande casual (il parait que ca evite les connards....) et je sort une vieille combo pourrie (sekki, seasons' guide+ Pandemonium... bah oui moi j'aime bien) je le tue et il tiens à me montrer à quel point son deck est fort avant de quitter sans rien dire...

Le chan :

0:02:35 [NefariousZim] It is now turn 7 ([FR] CSI)
0:02:35 [NefariousZim] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:02:37 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI untaps his/her permanents
0:02:37 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI draws a card
0:02:39 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI plays Taiga from Hand
0:02:42 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI plays Sekki, Seasons' Guide from Hand
0:02:44 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Taiga
0:02:44 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Forest
0:02:44 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Savannah
0:02:44 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Plains
0:02:49 [[FR] CSI] Sekki, Seasons' Guide now has 8 (+8) counters.
0:02:54 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Ok?
0:03:00 [NefariousZim] It is now turn 8 (NefariousZim)
0:03:00 [NefariousZim] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:03:02 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim untaps his/her permanents
0:03:02 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Wait!
0:03:03 [NefariousZim] It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
0:03:03 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Wait!
0:03:03 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Wait!
0:03:03 [NefariousZim] It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
0:03:03 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Wait!
0:03:03 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim draws a card
0:03:03 [NefariousZim] It is now the Precombat Main Phase
0:03:03 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Wait!
0:03:03 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Wait!
0:03:06 [NefariousZim] It is now turn 9 ([FR] CSI)
0:03:06 [NefariousZim] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:03:07 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Ok?
0:03:09 [NefariousZim] <NefariousZim> Okay.
0:03:13 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> you lose
0:03:36 [NefariousZim] <NefariousZim> how?
0:03:44 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI puts a 1/1 Spirit token into play
0:03:46 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI duplicates Spirit
0:03:50 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI duplicates Spirit
0:03:50 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI duplicates Spirit
0:03:53 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI duplicates Spirit
0:03:53 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI duplicates Spirit
0:03:53 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI duplicates Spirit
0:03:53 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI duplicates Spirit
0:04:06 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI sacrifices Sekki, Seasons' Guide
0:04:13 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> ok ?
0:04:14 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim draws a card
0:04:16 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim plays Bogardan Hellkite from Hand
0:04:17 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim puts Dragonstorm into play from Library
0:04:22 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim taps Snow-Covered Mountain
0:04:23 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim plays Rite of Flame from Hand
0:04:27 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim puts Rite of Flame to Graveyard from Play
0:04:29 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim plays Rite of Flame from Hand
0:04:32 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim puts Rite of Flame to Graveyard from Play
0:04:36 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim plays Rite of Flame from Hand
0:04:40 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim puts Rite of Flame to Graveyard from Play
0:04:45 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim plays Seething Song from Hand
0:04:46 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim plays Seething Song from Hand
0:04:59 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim plays Seething Song from Hand
On remarquera la remarquable stabilité de son deck qui ne marche que s'il a 3 Rite of Flame ET 3 Seething song...
0:05:04 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim is looking its Library...
0:05:06 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim puts Nicol Bolas into play from Library
0:05:08 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim puts Scion of the Ur-Dragon into play from Library
0:05:09 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim puts Numot, the Devastator into play from Library
0:05:11 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim plays Oros, the Avenger from Hand
0:05:11 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim plays Intet, the Dreamer from Hand
0:05:12 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim puts Teneb, the Harvester into play from Library
0:05:16 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim puts Vorosh, the Hunter into play from Library
Les grands classiques de DS...(Le Nicol Bolas c'est pas mal quand même...)
0:05:17 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim shuffles library
0:05:17 [NefariousZim] NefariousZim stops looking its Library...
0:05:17 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> you lose
0:05:18 [<System>] <System> Player Lost
0:05:25 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI puts Sekki, Seasons' Guide into play from Graveyard

[ Dernière modification par CSI le 28 mar 2007 à 20h22 ]


The Rock forever...


Avatar de CSI

Hors Ligne

Membre Inactif depuis le 16/02/2018

Grade : [Nomade]

Inscrit le 11/06/2006
296 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts

Envoyé par CSI le Jeudi 29 Mars 2007 à 21:28

Alors lui, il est doué...

Il joue Ravager, moi the Rock, un bon match-up pour moi a priori mais il me sort mass crea et me descend à trois, la je sort baloth...pas de reaction...un deuxieme baloth, doubles insultes au passage (ca fait pas de mal) puis il prends le controle de tout mes permanents et quitte...

Le chan :
0:05:15 [[FR] CSI] It is now turn 12 ([FR] CSI)
0:05:15 [[FR] CSI] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:05:16 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI untaps his/her permanents
0:05:16 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI draws a card
0:05:19 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI plays Volrath's Stronghold from Hand
0:05:27 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Swamp
0:05:27 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Bayou
0:05:27 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Overgrown Tomb
0:05:27 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Forest
0:05:30 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI plays Ravenous Baloth from Hand
0:05:35 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> end
0:05:38 [empty the warrens] It is now turn 13 (empty the warrens)
0:05:38 [empty the warrens] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:05:38 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> after draw
0:05:39 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens untaps his/her permanents
0:05:39 [empty the warrens] It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
0:05:39 [empty the warrens] It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
0:05:40 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens draws a card
0:05:40 [empty the warrens] It is now the Precombat Main Phase
0:05:41 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Swamp
0:05:41 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI plays Extirpate from Hand
0:05:42 [[FR] CSI] It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
0:05:46 [empty the warrens] <empty the warrens> ok
0:05:47 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> ravager
0:05:52 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Arcbound Ravager into play from Graveyard
0:05:53 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Arcbound Ravager to RFG from Play
0:05:54 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens plays Myr Servitor from Hand
0:05:57 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens is looking top 4444 cards of its Library...
0:05:57 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Ok
0:05:58 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Arcbound Ravager into play from Library
0:06:04 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Arcbound Ravager into play from Library
0:06:06 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Arcbound Ravager into play from Library
0:06:07 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens stops looking its Library...
0:06:07 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens shuffles library
0:06:09 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Arcbound Ravager to RFG from Play
0:06:09 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Arcbound Ravager to RFG from Play
0:06:09 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Arcbound Ravager to RFG from Play
0:06:11 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens shuffles library
0:06:12 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Myr Servitor to Hand from Play
0:06:13 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens taps Glimmervoid
0:06:13 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI sacrifices Extirpate
0:06:14 [empty the warrens] Cranial Plating is enchanting Frogmite now
0:06:15 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens taps Great Furnace
0:06:16 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens plays Myr Servitor from Hand
0:06:17 [empty the warrens] It is now the Combat Phase, Beginning Of Combat Step
0:06:18 [empty the warrens] It is now the Combat Phase, Declare Attackers Step
0:06:18 [[FR] CSI] empty the warrens taps Frogmite
0:06:18 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens taps Frogmite
0:06:23 [empty the warrens] Cranial Plating is enchanting no target now
0:06:24 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Frogmite to Graveyard from Play
0:06:27 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> sac after damage
0:06:27 [empty the warrens] <empty the warrens> ok
0:06:29 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI sacrifices Ravenous Baloth
0:06:32 [empty the warrens] It is now the End Phase, Cleanup Step
0:06:34 [empty the warrens] <empty the warrens> End my turn
0:06:34 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI's life total is now 8 (+4)
0:06:37 [[FR] CSI] It is now turn 14 ([FR] CSI)
0:06:37 [[FR] CSI] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:06:38 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI untaps his/her permanents
0:06:39 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI draws a card
0:06:40 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI plays Forest from Hand
0:06:42 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Swamp
0:06:42 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Bayou
0:06:42 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Overgrown Tomb
0:06:42 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Forest
0:06:43 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI plays Ravenous Baloth from Hand
0:06:46 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> End my turn
0:06:47 [empty the warrens] <empty the warrens> asshole
0:06:49 [empty the warrens] <empty the warrens> fucking asshole
0:06:51 [empty the warrens] It is now turn 15 (empty the warrens)
0:06:51 [empty the warrens] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:06:52 [empty the warrens] It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
0:06:52 [empty the warrens] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:06:53 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens untaps his/her permanents
0:06:53 [empty the warrens] It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
0:06:53 [empty the warrens] It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
0:06:53 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens draws a card
0:06:53 [empty the warrens] It is now the Precombat Main Phase
0:06:56 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens taps Glimmervoid
0:06:56 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> ...^^
0:06:57 [empty the warrens] Cranial Plating is enchanting Myr Servitor now
0:06:58 [empty the warrens] It is now the Combat Phase, Beginning Of Combat Step
0:06:58 [empty the warrens] It is now the Combat Phase, Declare Attackers Step
0:06:59 [[FR] CSI] empty the warrens taps Myr Servitor
0:06:59 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens taps Myr Servitor
0:07:04 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Damges on the stack ?
0:07:04 [empty the warrens] <empty the warrens> ok
0:07:05 [empty the warrens] <empty the warrens> ok
0:07:06 [empty the warrens] <empty the warrens> ok
0:07:06 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> ^sac
0:07:10 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI sacrifices Ravenous Baloth
0:07:10 [empty the warrens] <empty the warrens> ok
0:07:12 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens plays Blinkmoth Nexus from Hand
0:07:12 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI's life total is now 12 (+4)
0:07:13 [empty the warrens] Cranial Plating is enchanting no target now
0:07:14 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Myr Servitor to Graveyard from Play
0:07:15 [empty the warrens] It is now the End Phase, End Of Turn Step
0:07:15 [empty the warrens] It is now the End Phase, Cleanup Step
0:07:16 [empty the warrens] <empty the warrens> End my turn
0:07:19 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> EOT
0:07:20 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Swamp
0:07:20 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Volrath's Stronghold
0:07:20 [[FR] CSI] [FR] CSI taps Forest
0:07:23 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens is now the controller of Swamp
0:07:23 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens is now the controller of Bayou
0:07:23 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens is now the controller of Overgrown Tomb
0:07:23 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens is now the controller of Forest
0:07:23 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens is now the controller of Swamp
0:07:23 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens is now the controller of Volrath's Stronghold
0:07:23 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens is now the controller of Forest
0:07:29 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Forest to Hand from Play
0:07:29 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Swamp to Hand from Play
0:07:29 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Volrath's Stronghold to Hand from Play
0:07:29 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Forest to Hand from Play
0:07:32 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Swamp to Hand from Play
0:07:32 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Bayou to Hand from Play
0:07:32 [empty the warrens] empty the warrens puts Overgrown Tomb to Hand from Play

0:07:33 [<System>] <System> Player Lost
0:07:34 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> ????
0:09:27 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> En deux mots : Fair-Play ! ^^


The Rock forever...


Avatar de CSI

Hors Ligne

Membre Inactif depuis le 16/02/2018

Grade : [Nomade]

Inscrit le 11/06/2006
296 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts

Envoyé par CSI le Jeudi 29 Mars 2007 à 21:38

Celui-la se passe d'image :
0:01:00 [günni] It is now turn 6 (günni)
0:01:00 [günni] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:01:01 [günni] günni untaps his/her permanents
0:01:02 [günni] It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
0:01:02 [günni] günni draws a card
0:01:02 [günni] It is now the Precombat Main Phase
0:01:04 [günni] günni draws a card
0:01:05 [günni] günni plays Mountain from Hand
0:01:06 [günni] günni plays Lotus Petal from Hand
0:01:07 [günni] <günni> End my turn
0:01:09 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Wait
0:01:14 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> why draw 2 ?
0:01:27 [<System>] <System> Player Lost

0:01:31 [[FR] CSI] <[FR] CSI> Lol


The Rock forever...


Avatar de chaudakh

Hors Ligne

Modérateur Actif

Modération : Arts, Decks

Grade : [Modo Forum]

Inscrit le 11/10/2003
Dernière connexion : le 10/02 à 20:25
7039 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 605 Pts

Envoyé par chaudakh le Mercredi 04 Avril 2007 à 13:42

Merci de respecter les règles du forum (les logs d'insultes sont inintéressants par ex) : mettre une image et éviter de mettre les parties inutiles des logs ... (n'est ce pas CSI )
Eviter aussi de mettre 15x la même chose ....

[ Dernière modification par chaudakh le 05 avr 2007 à 10h48 ]



Avatar de Kh0rn3

Hors Ligne

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Inscrit le 21/04/2006
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Envoyé par Kh0rn3 le Vendredi 06 Avril 2007 à 11:54

Je vous explique : j'ai 1 Téfeiri, mage de Zhalfir en jeu et c'est le tour de l'adversaire. Il à 1 Shamane nantuko en suspension et à la phase d'entretien il veut résoudre son sort en suspension. je vous laisse voir par vous même...



Avatar de Aden

Hors Ligne

Membre Inactif depuis le 07/11/2008

Grade : [Nomade]

Inscrit le 10/12/2005
317 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts

Envoyé par Aden le Samedi 07 Avril 2007 à 20:56

En même temps s'il ne tapait pas de land avant de vouloir s'occuper de sa carte, ça ne changeait rien Je pense qu'il a cru qu'il ne pourrait pas récupérer sa créature... (et qu'il n'a pas fait gaffe à ton Sorcier
Ou c'est qu'il n'a vraiment plus le droit de jouer sa carte, ou il doit attendre sa phase principale c'est ça?
( ça m'a troublé maintenant )

[ Dernière modification par Aden le 07 avr 2007 à 20h58 ]


Citation de Max51 (Ex-Modo d'un site de trade de cartes Magic... mais qu'a-t-il bien pu se passer ) :
"Nous ne sommes basés sur aucun fait réel et donc rien de tangible..."

Commentaire :
En effet... rien de vraiment consistan


Avatar de Gandalf20000000

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Membre Inactif depuis le 27/01/2022

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Inscrit le 16/03/2003
5845 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 297 Pts

Envoyé par Gandalf20000000 le Dimanche 15 Avril 2007 à 23:23

Quand j'ai vu ma main de départ et sa 1ere manoeuvre, je me suis dit : Celui la, il va quiter ^^

0:00:11 [Xanthos] <Xanthos> kp
0:00:11 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] <[fr]Gandalf2KK> kp
0:00:13 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK plays Flagstones of Trokair from Hand
0:00:14 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] <[fr]Gandalf2KK> End my turn
0:00:16 [Xanthos] It is now turn 2 (Xanthos)
0:00:16 [Xanthos] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:00:17 [Xanthos] Xanthos draws a card
[b]0:00:17 [Xanthos] Xanthos plays Terramorphic Expanse from Hand
0:00:19 [Xanthos] Xanthos puts Terramorphic Expanse to Graveyard from Play
0:00:19 [Xanthos] Xanthos is looking its Library...
0:00:21 [Xanthos] Xanthos puts Plains into play from Library
0:00:21 [Xanthos] Xanthos taps Plains
0:00:22 [Xanthos] Xanthos shuffles library
0:00:22 [Xanthos] Xanthos stops looking its Library...

0:00:23 [Xanthos] <Xanthos> End my turn
0:00:24 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] It is now turn 3 ([fr]Gandalf2KK)
0:00:24 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:00:24 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
0:00:24 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK untaps his/her permanents
0:00:24 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
0:00:24 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK draws a card
0:00:24 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] It is now the Precombat Main Phase
0:00:25 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK plays Gemstone Mine from Hand
0:00:27 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] Gemstone Mine now has 2 (+2) counters.
0:00:28 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK taps Flagstones of Trokair
0:00:28 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK taps Gemstone Mine
0:00:29 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK plays Boom / Bust from Hand
0:00:32 [Xanthos] Xanthos puts Plains to Graveyard from Play
0:00:33 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK puts Flagstones of Trokair to Graveyard from Play
0:00:34 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK is looking its Library...

0:00:36 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK puts Plains into play from Library
0:00:37 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK shuffles library
0:00:37 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK stops looking its Library...
0:00:38 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] <[fr]Gandalf2KK> End my turn
0:00:39 [Xanthos] It is now turn 4 (Xanthos)
0:00:39 [Xanthos] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:00:40 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK taps Plains
0:00:40 [Xanthos] Xanthos draws a card
0:00:41 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK puts Boom / Bust to Graveyard from Play
0:00:41 [Xanthos] Xanthos plays Mountain from Hand
0:00:43 [Xanthos] <Xanthos> End my turn
0:00:43 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] It is now turn 5 ([fr]Gandalf2KK)
0:00:43 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
0:00:44 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
0:00:44 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK untaps his/her permanents
0:00:44 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
0:00:44 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK draws a card
0:00:44 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] It is now the Precombat Main Phase
0:00:46 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK plays Terramorphic Expanse from Hand
0:00:46 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK taps Plains
0:00:47 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK taps Gemstone Mine
0:00:48 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] Gemstone Mine now has 1 (-1) counters.
0:00:49 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK plays Boom / Bust from Hand
0:00:51 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] [fr]Gandalf2KK taps Terramorphic Expanse
0:00:57 [Xanthos] <Xanthos> holy fucking god you asshole
0:00:58 [Xanthos] Xanthos puts Mountain to Graveyard from Play
0:01:03 [[fr]Gandalf2KK] <[fr]Gandalf2KK> ^^^ thx, you too
0:01:05 [<System>] <System> Player Lost


Avatar de Tsan

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Membre Passif depuis le 03/10/2020

Grade : [Modo Forum]

Inscrit le 07/12/2002
6171 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 229 Pts

Envoyé par Tsan le Lundi 16 Avril 2007 à 13:33

Ben voila conflagrate ... le nouveau bug system de mws, tu le joues ça deco.

[ Dernière modification par Tsan le 16 avr 2007 à 13h35 ]



Avatar de CSI

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Inscrit le 11/06/2006
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Envoyé par CSI le Mercredi 18 Avril 2007 à 23:00

Hey les gars on avait rien compris la base de mana c'est tout con en fait regardez !

On passe sur le fait qu'il ne joue que 47 cartes dans sa bibliothèque....

[ Dernière modification par CSI le 18 avr 2007 à 23h02 ]


The Rock forever...


Avatar de pic

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Membre Inactif depuis le 18/10/2010

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Inscrit le 20/04/2006
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Envoyé par pic le Jeudi 19 Avril 2007 à 11:00

je vous transmet une partie non pas avec un mauvais joueur, mais plutot avec un mauvais perdant ( je précise que la partie est un bloc time spiral ) :

<-------- New Game Started -------->
{TC}Jimbo's Security Code: FC30EF9C [Type 2]
pic's Security Code: 03A3858C [Type 2]
It is now turn 1 ({TC}Jimbo)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
<{TC}Jimbo> yo
<pic> hi&gl
{TC}Jimbo rolled a 15, using a 20 sided die
pic rolled a 19, using a 20 sided die
pic shuffles library
pic shuffles library
<pic> begin
It is now turn 2 (pic)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
pic draws 7 cards
{TC}Jimbo shuffles library
{TC}Jimbo draws 7 cards
<pic> keep
<{TC}Jimbo> keep
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
pic plays Island from Hand
pic taps Island
pic plays Sage of Epityr from Hand
pic is looking top 4 cards of its Library...
pic rearranges cards in pic's Library
pic rearranges cards in pic's Library
pic stops looking its Library...
<pic> End my turn
It is now turn 3 ({TC}Jimbo)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
{TC}Jimbo draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
{TC}Jimbo plays Plains from Hand
{TC}Jimbo taps Plains
{TC}Jimbo plays Shade of Trokair from Hand
Shade of Trokair now has 3 (+3) counters.
It is now turn 4 (pic)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
pic untaps his/her permanents
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
pic draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
pic plays Molten Slagheap from Hand
It is now the Combat Phase, Declare Attackers Step
pic taps Sage of Epityr
pic taps Sage of Epityr
{TC}Jimbo's life total is now 19 (-1)
It is now the Postcombat Main Phase
pic taps Island
pic taps Molten Slagheap
Molten Slagheap now has 1 (+1) counters.
<pic> End my turn
It is now turn 5 ({TC}Jimbo)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
{TC}Jimbo untaps his/her permanents
It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
Shade of Trokair now has 2 (-1) counters.
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
{TC}Jimbo draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
{TC}Jimbo plays Plains from Hand
{TC}Jimbo taps Plains
{TC}Jimbo taps Plains
{TC}Jimbo plays Knight of the Holy Nimbus from Hand
It is now turn 6 (pic)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
pic untaps his/her permanents
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
pic draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
pic plays Island from Hand
pic plays Lotus Bloom from Hand
pic plays Lotus Bloom from Hand
Lotus Bloom now has 3 (+3) counters.
Lotus Bloom now has 3 (+3) counters.
pic taps Island
pic taps Molten Slagheap
Molten Slagheap now has 2 (+1) counters.
<pic> End my turn
It is now turn 7 ({TC}Jimbo)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
{TC}Jimbo untaps his/her permanents
It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
Shade of Trokair now has 1 (-1) counters.
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
{TC}Jimbo draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
{TC}Jimbo plays Plains from Hand
It is now the Combat Phase, Declare Attackers Step
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
pic's life total is now 18 (-2)
It is now the Postcombat Main Phase
{TC}Jimbo taps Plains
{TC}Jimbo taps Plains
{TC}Jimbo plays Knight of the Holy Nimbus from Hand
It is now turn 8 (pic)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
pic untaps his/her permanents
It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
Lotus Bloom now has 2 (-1) counters.
Lotus Bloom now has 2 (-1) counters.
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
pic draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
pic plays Mountain from Hand
pic taps Island
pic taps Molten Slagheap
Molten Slagheap now has 3 (+1) counters.
<pic> End my turn
It is now turn 9 ({TC}Jimbo)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
{TC}Jimbo untaps his/her permanents
It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
Shade of Trokair now has 0 (-1) counters.
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
{TC}Jimbo draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
{TC}Jimbo plays Plains from Hand
It is now the Combat Phase, Declare Attackers Step
{TC}Jimbo taps Shade of Trokair
{TC}Jimbo taps Shade of Trokair
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
<{TC}Jimbo> ok
pic's life total is now 14 (-4)
pic sacrifices Sage of Epityr
<{TC}Jimbo> ok...
It is now the Postcombat Main Phase
{TC}Jimbo taps Plains
{TC}Jimbo taps Plains
{TC}Jimbo plays Knight of the Holy Nimbus from Hand
It is now turn 10 (pic)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
pic untaps his/her permanents
It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
Lotus Bloom now has 1 (-1) counters.
Lotus Bloom now has 1 (-1) counters.
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
pic draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
pic taps Mountain
pic plays Rift Bolt from Hand
Rift Bolt now has 1 (+1) counters.
pic taps Island
pic taps Molten Slagheap
Molten Slagheap now has 4 (+1) counters.
<pic> End my turn
It is now turn 11 ({TC}Jimbo)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
{TC}Jimbo untaps his/her permanents
It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
{TC}Jimbo draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
It is now the Combat Phase, Declare Attackers Step
{TC}Jimbo taps Shade of Trokair
{TC}Jimbo taps Shade of Trokair
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
{TC}Jimbo taps Knight of the Holy Nimbus
{TC}Jimbo taps Plains
{TC}Jimbo taps Plains
pic's life total is now 5 (-9)
It is now turn 12 (pic)
It is now the Beginning Phase, Untap Step
pic untaps his/her permanents
It is now the Beginning Phase, Upkeep Step
Lotus Bloom now has 0 (-1) counters.
Lotus Bloom now has 0 (-1) counters.
Rift Bolt now has 0 (-1) counters.
<pic> Thinking
{TC}Jimbo's life total is now 16 (-3)
pic sacrifices Rift Bolt
It is now the Beginning Phase, Draw Step
pic draws a card
It is now the Precombat Main Phase
pic taps Lotus Bloom
pic taps Lotus Bloom
pic sacrifices Lotus Bloom
pic sacrifices Lotus Bloom
pic taps Mountain
pic taps Island
pic taps Island
pic plays Dragonstorm from Hand
<{TC}Jimbo> storm resolves
{TC}Jimbo taps Plains
{TC}Jimbo plays Mana Tithe from Hand
<pic> Ok
pic duplicates Dragonstorm
pic duplicates Dragonstorm
<pic> 4-1
<{TC}Jimbo> ?
<pic> 4 dragonstorm -1 because countered
<{TC}Jimbo> ok
{TC}Jimbo puts Mana Tithe to Graveyard from Play
<{TC}Jimbo> sure
pic is looking its Library...
pic puts Bogardan Hellkite into play from Library
pic puts Bogardan Hellkite into play from Library
pic puts Bogardan Hellkite into play from Library
pic shuffles library
pic stops looking its Library...
<{TC}Jimbo> all of them at me?
<pic> yeah
{TC}Jimbo's life total is now 6 (-10)
{TC}Jimbo's life total is now 1 (-5)
pic taps Molten Slagheap
Molten Slagheap now has 3 (-1) counters.
Molten Slagheap now has 2 (-1) counters.
Molten Slagheap now has 1 (-1) counters.
Molten Slagheap now has 0 (-1) counters.
pic plays Empty the Warrens from Hand
<{TC}Jimbo>LIAR -> il s'énerve là
<{TC}Jimbo>FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE !!! -> bonjour les insultes
<System> Player Lost

y a de quoi etre degoute, certes ( surtout que c'est rare de voir un jeu storm en bloc ), mais ce n'est pas une raison



Avatar de SPynO

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Membre Inactif depuis le 08/08/2023

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Inscrit le 09/05/2004
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Envoyé par SPynO le Jeudi 19 Avril 2007 à 12:57

Nouveau bug de MWS => Stifle + Parallax Tide ça fait quitter... oops planter.

[ Dernière modification par SPynO le 19 avr 2007 à 13h00 ]


Avatar de SPynO

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Inscrit le 09/05/2004
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Envoyé par SPynO le Jeudi 19 Avril 2007 à 13:06

Jouer des cartes inhabituelles en legacy ça fait partir les cons aussi.

(N'hésitez pas à cliquer sur les images)


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