[PCH] Planechase : des préconstruits pour le multijoueurs

Posté le Mardi 12 Mai 2009 à 10:05 par KOV (13961 lectures)

Annoncé aujourd'hui, Planechase est une série de decks préconstruits spécialement adaptés pour le multijoueurs. Mais ils comporteront un autre mystère : l'apparition de cartes "plans"...
Multiplayer Mayhem

The Planechase plane cards introduce a groundbreaking new way to experience planeswalking. Through this innovative new kind of card, two or more players can battle each other across a variety of diverse worlds, each with its own unique effect on the game. These thrilling new conditions add a whole new layer of chaos, meaning the only thing you can count on is unpredictability.

* There will be four Planechase Game Packs released on September 4th, 2009: Elemental Thunder, Metallic Dreams, Strike Force, and Zombie Empire.
* Each game pack will contain 10 all-new plane cards, a ready-to-play 60-card deck, a six-sided planar die and a Planechase strategy insert with multiplayer rules.
* Each of the 60-card decks will include 8 rares, and will be composed of cards from throughout Magic's history - including a preview card from Zendikar.
* The 10 oversized plane cards comprise a planar deck. They feature all-new artwork depicting some of the more exotic realms of the Magic multiverse.
* Each of the cards in the 60-card decks will be black-bordered and tournament legal. This means that these cards are legal for use in any tournaments where the original printings are still legal.
* Planechase release events will be held September 4-6, 2009. Watch magicthegathering.com this summer for details.

Initial Concept and Game Design: Brian Tinsman (lead), Aaron Forsythe, Peter Knudson, and Kenneth Nagle
Final Game and Deck Development: Mike Turian (lead), Dave Guskin, Peter Knudson, Scott Larabee, and Mark Purvis, with contributions from Mark L. Gottlieb
Release Date: September 4th, 2009
MSRP: $19.99

Le symbole de cette "extension"


Que retenir :
- 4 decks de 60 cartes chacun (dont 8 rares, et une preview de Zendikar), adapté au multijoueur, mais jouable en tournoi (donc uniquement des cartes existantes).
- Chaque deck sera vendu avec dix cartes "Plan", non-légales en tournois, surement par leur taille, leur fond ou leur bord, qui auront un impact sur le jeu, comme feues les Vanguards, mais de manière différente. Chaque deck aura également un d6 "planaire", qui risque d'avoir un impact sur les parties.
- Sortie début septembre.
- Va falloir raquer 20 dollars/euros (Oupah )

Source : http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/arcana/187


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