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Forum > Formats > Magic Arena
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Modérateur Actif

Modération : News, Forum, Cartes

Grade : [Modo Forum]

Inscrit le 23/05/2004
Dernière connexion : le 20/03 à 21:28
8755 Messages/ 1 Contributions/ 0 Pts

Envoyé par KOV le Vendredi 07 Août 2020 à 18:54

Sortie le 13 août sur Arena de ce remix à destination de l'Historique. 338 cartes, des events en draft/scellé... et une liste qui a déjà fuité sur Reddit ! Un bon data mining des familles, avec des grosses surprises, que j'ai signalé par ce smiley (Ça tape dans les cartes d'invocations par exemple)


Angel of Sanctions (M)
Anointed Procession (R)
Anointer Priest (C)
Approach of the Second Sun (R)
Aven Mindcensor (R)
Aven of Enduring Hope (C)
Binding Mummy (C)
Cartouche of Solidarity (C)
Cast Out (U)
Compulsory Rest (C)
Crested Sunmare (M)
Dauntless Aven (C)
Desert's Hold (U)
Disposal Mummy (C)
Djeru's Resolve (C)
Dusk /// Dawn (R)
Fan Bearer (C)
Forsake the Worldly (C)
Gideon of the Trials (M)
Gideon's Intervention (R)
Glory-Bound Initiate (R)
Gust Walker (C)
Hour of Revelation (R)
Impeccable Timing (C)
In Oketra's Name (C)
Mighty Leap (C)
Oketra the True (M)
Oketra's Attendant (U)
Oketra's Avenger (C)
Overwhelming Splendor (M)
Protection of the Hekma (U)
Renewed Faith (U)
Rest in Peace (R)
Sacred Cat (C)
Solemnity (R)
Solitary Camel (C)
Steward of Solidarity (U)
Sunscourge Champion (U)
Supply Caravan (C)
Tah-Crop Elite (C)
Those Who Serve (C)
Trial of Solidarity (U)
Unconventional Tactics (U)
Vizier of Deferment (U)
Vizier of Remedies (U)
Wrath of God (R)


Aerial Guide (C)
Ancient Crab (C)
As Foretold (M)
Aven Initiate (C)
Cartouche of Knowledge (C)
Censor (U)
Champion of Wits (R)
Commit /// Memory (R)
Compelling Argument (C)
Countervailing Winds (C)
Cryptic Serpent (U)
Curator of Mysteries (R)
Drake Haven (R)
Essence Scatter (C)
Eternal of Harsh Truths (U)
Floodwaters (C)
Hekma Sentinels (C)
Hieroglyphic Illumination (C)
Jace, Unraveler of Secrets (M)
Kefnet the Mindful (M)
Labyrinth Guardian (U)
Lay Claim (U)
Naga Oracle (C)
New Perspectives (R)
Nimble Obstructionist (R)
Ominous Sphinx (U)
Pact of Negation (R)
Pull from Tomorrow (R)
Riddleform (U)
Seeker of Insight (C)
Seer of the Last Tomorrow (C)
Shimmerscale Drake (C)
Slither Blade (C)
Spellweaver Eternal (C)
Strategic Planning (C)
Striped Riverwinder (C)
Supreme Will (U)
Trial of Knowledge (U)
Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign (M)
Unquenchable Thirst (C)
Vizier of Many Faces (R)
Vizier of the Anointed (U)
Vizier of Tumbling Sands (U)
Winds of Rebuke (C)


Archfiend of Ifnir (R)
Baleful Ammit (U)
Blighted Bat (C)
Bone Picker (U)
Bontu the Glorified (M)
Bontu's Last Reckoning (R)
Cartouche of Ambition (C)
Cruel Reality (M)
Demonic Pact (M)
Dispossess (R)
Doomed Dissenter (C)
Doomfall (U)
Dread Wanderer (R)
Dune Beetle (C)
Festering Mummy (C)
Final Reward (C)
Gravedigger (U)
Horror of the Broken Lands (C)
Khenra Eternal (C)
Lethal Sting (C)
Liliana, Death's Majesty (M)
Liliana's Defeat (U)
Liliana's Mastery (R)
Lord of the Accursed (U)
Marauding Boneslasher (C)
Miasmic Mummy (C)
Nest of Scarabs (U)
Never /// Return (R)
Pitiless Vizier (C)
Razaketh, the Foulblooded (M)
Ruthless Sniper (U)
Scarab Feast (C)
Shadow of the Grave (R)
Soulstinger (C)
Splendid Agony (C)
Supernatural Stamina (C)
Thoughtseize (R)
Torment of Hailfire (R)
Trespasser's Curse (C)
Trial of Ambition (U)
Unburden (C)
Vile Manifestation (U)
Wander in Death (C)
Wasp of the Bitter End (U)
Wasteland Scorpion (C)


Abrade (U)
Ahn-Crop Crasher (U)
Anger of the Gods (R)
Battlefield Scavenger (U)
Bloodlust Inciter (C)
Blur of Blades (C)
Brute Strength (C)
Burning-Fist Minotaur (U)
By Force (U)
Cartouche of Zeal (C)
Chandra, Pyromaster (M)
Chandra's Defeat (U)
Combat Celebrant (M)
Crash Through (C)
Deem Worthy (U)
Desert Cerodon (C)
Earthshaker Khenra (R)
Fervent Paincaster (U)
Firebrand Archer (C)
Gilded Cerodon (C)
Glorious End (M)
Glorybringer (R)
Harsh Mentor (R)
Hazoret the Fervent (M)
Hour of Devastation (R)
Imminent Doom (R)
Insult /// Injury (R)
Khenra Scrapper (C)
Magma Spray (C)
Magmaroth (U)
Nef-Crop Entangler (C)
Neheb, the Eternal (M)
Nimble-Blade Khenra (C)
Open Fire (C)
Pathmaker Initiate (C)
Puncturing Blow (C)
Pursue Glory (C)
Sand Strangler (U)
Shatterstorm (R)
Soul-Scar Mage (R)
Sweltering Suns (R)
Thorned Moloch (C)
Thresher Lizard (C)
Tormenting Voice (C)
Trial of Zeal (U)
Zealot of the God-Pharaoh (C)


Beneath the Sands (C)
Bitterbow Sharpshooters (C)
Cartouche of Strength (C)
Champion of Rhonas (R)
Collected Company (R)
Crocodile of the Crossing (U)
Defiant Greatmaw (U)
Dissenter's Deliverance (C)
Exemplar of Strength (U)
Feral Prowler (C)
Greater Sandwurm (C)
Haze of Pollen (C)
Hooded Brawler (C)
Hope Tender (U)
Hornet Queen (M)
Hour of Promise (R)
Initiate's Companion (C)
Life Goes On (C)
Majestic Myriarch (M)
Manglehorn (U)
Mouth /// Feed (R)
Naga Vitalist (C)
Oashra Cultivator (C)
Oasis Ritualist (C)
Ornery Kudu (C)
Pouncing Cheetah (C)
Pride Sovereign (R)
Prowling Serpopard (R)
Quarry Hauler (C)
Ramunap Excavator (R)
Resilient Khenra (R)
Rhonas the Indomitable (M)
Rhonas's Stalwart (C)
Sandwurm Convergence (R)
Shed Weakness (C)
Shefet Monitor (U)
Sidewinder Naga (C)
Sifter Wurm (U)
Sixth Sense (U)
Stinging Shot (C)
Synchronized Strike (U)
Trial of Strength (U)
Vizier of the Menagerie (M)
Watchful Naga (U)


Ahn-Crop Champion (U)
Appeal /// Authority (U)
Aven Wind Guide (U)
Claim /// Fame (U)
Consign /// Oblivion (U)
Cut /// Ribbons (R)
Destined /// Lead (U)
Driven /// Despair (R)
Enigma Drake (U)
Failure /// Comply (R)
Farm /// Market (U)
Grind /// Dust (R)
Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons (R)
Heaven /// Earth (R)
Honored Crop-Captain (U)
Khenra Charioteer (U)
Leave /// Chance (R)
The Locust God (M)
Lord of Extinction (R)
Merciless Javelineer (U)
Neheb, the Worthy (R)
Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh (M)
Nissa, Steward of Elements (M)
Obelisk Spider (U)
Onward /// Victory (U)
Prepare /// Fight (R)
Rags /// Riches (R)
Reason /// Believe (R)
Reduce /// Rubble (U)
Refuse /// Cooperate (R)
River Hoopoe (U)
Samut, the Tested (M)
Samut, Voice of Dissent (M)
The Scarab God (M)
The Scorpion God (M)
Shadowstorm Vizier (U)
Sphinx's Revelation (M)
Spring /// Mind (U)
Start /// Finish (U)
Struggle /// Survive (U)
Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun (R)
Wayward Servant (U)


Abandoned Sarcophagus (R)
Bontu's Monument (U)
Edifice of Authority (U)
Gate to the Afterlife (U)
God-Pharaoh's Gift (R)
Hazoret's Monument (U)
Hollow One (R)
Kefnet's Monument (U)
Mirage Mirror (R)
Oketra's Monument (U)
Perilous Vault (R)
Rhonas's Monument (U)
Sunset Pyramid (U)
Throne of the God-Pharaoh (R)
Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs (C)
Watchers of the Dead (U)


Canyon Slough (R)
Cascading Cataracts (R)
Crypt of the Eternals (U)
Desert of the Fervent (C)
Desert of the Glorified (C)
Desert of the Indomitable (C)
Desert of the Mindful (C)
Desert of the True (C)
Evolving Wilds (C)
Fetid Pools (R)
Hashep Oasis (U)
Ifnir Deadlands (U)
Ipnu Rivulet (U)
Irrigated Farmland (R)
Ramunap Ruins (U)
Scattered Groves (R)
Scavenger Grounds (R)
Shefet Dunes (U)
Sheltered Thicket (R)
Sunscorched Desert (C)

Buy-a-box (?) -  Regal Caracal (R)


[ Dernière modification par KOV le 07 aoû 2020 à 18h55 ]



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Modérateur Actif

Modération : News, Forum, Cartes

Grade : [Modo Forum]

Inscrit le 23/05/2004
Dernière connexion : le 20/03 à 21:28
8755 Messages/ 1 Contributions/ 0 Pts

Envoyé par KOV le Jeudi 13 Août 2020 à 10:18

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Inscrit le 17/11/2008
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Envoyé par korlis le Jeudi 13 Août 2020 à 14:16

Ah, yes Samut pour jouer Naya en brawl c'est bon ça

Collected Compay et Thoughtseize ça va être fort en Historique (entre autres)


Le monstre aux yeux verts, synonyme de la jalousie.

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