Core Set 2020 [12 juillet 2019]

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Envoyé par Devhidehead le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 19:02

Tribal Esprits?
Oulala... J'ai chaud.




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Envoyé par Batiscaphe le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 19:29

Le 17/06/2019 à 19:02, Devhidehead avait écrit ...
Tribal Esprits?
Oulala... J'ai chaud.

Pas sûr, je dirais plutôt autour des créatures volantes, qui peuvent être autre chose que des esprits.
Pour l'instant j'ai l'impression que des thématiques collent avec les identités des Pw.
Nous avons Chandra qui partira sur un archétype élémental au vu des rares révélées pour l'instant.
Ajani semblent pour l'instant s'intégrer dans un archétype créature et jetons au vu de l'unco Treefolk.
Et je pense que ce lord se rapprochera de Mu Yanling (son deck des Global Series tournait plus ou moins autour du vol si je me souviens bien).

Et encore, vu qu'il y aurait des créatures mythiques au trio de couleur de Tarkir, c'est possible que les thématiques synergisent entre elles.



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Envoyé par KOV le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 20:03




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Envoyé par Busterchaos le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 20:06

Référence à une certaine pieuvre prophète footballistique ?


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Envoyé par KOV le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 20:33

Et pour comprendre la présence des cartes tricolores, je C/C ce que dit Maro sur le draft M20
On Draft

The biggest area the Core Set 2020 design team was interested in improving was the Limited and Draft experience. Core Set 2019 was built around having ten two-color Draft archetypes. A few of them, such as white-blue's "artifacts matter" theme and green-white's "Auras matter" theme, were very insular and hard to combine with adjacent Draft themes. This resulted in the play design problem of positioning the cards power-wise. If they made them too strong, the archetype becomes overpowered if only one person is drafting it (as the other drafters have no reason to take the cards), and if they made them too weak, no one ever drafts the archetype. The non-core sets have the advantage of new mechanics which can help overlay themes between needed colors (for example, if blue and red need more Draft strength, you can choose to make those two colors the major colors of a new mechanic), but core sets with only the evergreen keywords to work with don't have those tools.

Yoni, with experience building Draft archetypes having lead the set design for Masters 25 and Ultimate Masters (masters sets require a very unique skill of crafting Draft environments out of preexisting components as the sets only use reprints), came up with a novel approach to solve the problem. What if the set was built around three-color groupings?

Core Set 2019 had a cycle of three-color "arc" (a color and its two allies) legendary Dragons. These were designed to be flavorful cards to be built around and to add some Commander excitement to the set. To differentiate Core Set 2020 from Core Set 2019, Yoni liked the idea of focusing on three-color "wedge" (a color and its two enemies) legendary creatures. If he did this, that meant his Draft three-color groupings would have to be wedge (red-white-black, green-blue-red, white-black-green, blue-red-white, and black-green-blue).

Having chosen to use wedge combinations, Yoni and his team decided to focus the five themes strongly on the ally-colored pairs within each wedge (each wedge combination has only one ally pair), with the enemy color being a bit softer in the theme. This way, you could draft the ally pair to play the theme in two-color or add in the enemy color to play it in three-color. Here's how the themes played out:

Flying (blue-red-white)

The first theme they began with was flying. White-blue is traditionally one of the hardest themes to build around for beginners as it leans towards a reactive control strategy, which, while popular with experienced players, is very hard for beginners to wrap their head around. Flying, in contrast, is pretty straightforward. Play your evasive creatures and attack. Luckily, flying is primary in white and blue. This meant the third color with the theme would be red. Red doesn't normally have a ton of flying (usually just Dragons and Phoenixes), but enough that they could ratchet it up slightly without being too much of a color pie bend.

Elementals (green-blue-red)

Elementals as a creature type shows up in all five colors, but primarily is a red and green thing (red and green make up almost seventy percent of monocolored Elementals, as an example). Interestingly, blue is the third most common Elemental color (as blue is the color of air and water to red's earth and fire). This made it a good fit for the green-blue-red wedge. Elementals was also a nice theme because it tied directly to Chandra who was the main face of the set. (More on her below.)

Go Wide (white-black-green)

Green and white are the top two colors in both creature percentages and token making (green and white account for over fifty-five percent of all token making on monocolored cards), so it felt right to focus that color pair on a "go wide" strategy. "Go wide" means a creature-based strategy, often making use of tokens, to overwhelm the opponent by attacking with a huge number of creatures. "Go wide" strategies lean on making creatures and then effects that buff the whole team (also an ability focused in white and green). Black just so happens to be number three both in creature percentages and token making, which made it the perfect choice to be the third color.

Aggro (red-white-black)

This one was a little trickier. Most Magic sets like having an aggro strategy ("aggro" defined as using all your mana every turn to play creatures which constantly attack, trying to win the game as quickly as possible before the opponent can stabilize). White, red, and black are the three colors most associated with aggro strategies, but the two-color pair most connected with aggro is red-white. That's an enemy color, not an ally one. The idea for Core Set 2020 was to shift aggro from primarily red-white to primarily black-red with white serving as the third color. This required rethinking how some of the white and black creatures were positioned but was an attainable theme.

Control with "Enters-the-Battlefield" Effects (black-green-blue)

As I explained above, control strategies can be tricky for newer players. Yoni and his team decided that blue-black might be a better place to put the control deck as it's more based on doing things and less on reacting. Blue and black can both have creatures with "enters-the-battlefield" effects (EBTs), which can help control the battlefield in a more proactive way, something newer players can see even if they don't understand the card-advantage strategy behind it. They paired this with green as it has a larger creature focus, which plays well with EBTs. The one other reason this theme worked well was that the other four themes were all creature based, so using EBT-effect creatures allowed for more cross-theme synergy.

Now that we've walked through the themes, let's talk a little bit about how these themes enable the draft. There are three different approaches drafters can take when drafting.

First, they can draft any ally-color pair. Each has a strong theme that's loudly expressed on the cards. Second, they can use a three-color strategy where they draft a wedge. Again, each of the five wedge strategies revolve around the ally-color pair themes with an added support of the enemy color. Third, they can draft an enemy-color deck. These decks are a cross between two themes because any enemy combination will have one color that's primary in theme A and secondary in theme B, while the other color will be primary in theme B and secondary in theme A. Let's take blue-red as an example.

Blue is primary in flying and secondary in Elementals, while red is primary in Elementals and secondary in flying. Early on, you pick up a blue Elemental flier. Obviously, you can combine it with white to make a two-color flying deck or red and white to make a three-color flying deck, or you can combine it with red and green to make a three-color Elemental deck. You also have the choice, though, to pick up just red cards and draft both "flying matters" (as red is secondary in flying) and "Elementals matter" (as red is primary in Elementals) cards. Each of the themes were designed such that they interacted with the theme of the enemy color.

Also, because the set had only five themes, that left a bit of space to allow Yoni and his team to design a number of build-around cards, usually at uncommon, that would allow the experienced drafters the ability to draft some more offbeat decks with the set.




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Envoyé par AbzanEdh le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 20:49

ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii un général jeskai !


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Envoyé par KOV le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 21:11




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Envoyé par Andora le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 21:12

Alors Thought distortion est sans doute trop cher, mais Contrôle qui se prend ça dans la tronche sans même avoir son mot à dire, c'est fat.
EDIT: Wiiii le retour des Leylines!!


"On peut douter de tout, sauf de la nécessité de se trouver du côté de celui qui a le pognon" Leodagan


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Envoyé par KOV le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 21:36




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Envoyé par Andora le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 22:44

Mais c'est fort le Risen Reef... Coiling oracle pour +1, qui attache l'effet à ses comparses! Waow!


"On peut douter de tout, sauf de la nécessité de se trouver du côté de celui qui a le pognon" Leodagan


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Envoyé par Zombixel le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 23:17

Houlala, j'ai déjà très très hâte de drafter cette édition !
Déçu que la créature légendaire pour Naya soit la promo B-a-B par contre, mais quelque part, mieux vaut que ce soit une carte fun comme ça qu'une carte sur laquelle repose carrément un deck.


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Envoyé par Andora le Lundi 17 Juin 2019 à 23:53

Après M19 fut la seule carte B-a-B sortie à ce jour sur laquelle repose un deck.


"On peut douter de tout, sauf de la nécessité de se trouver du côté de celui qui a le pognon" Leodagan


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Envoyé par GreatJR le Mardi 18 Juin 2019 à 00:50

Le 17/06/2019 à 18:56, molodiets avait écrit ...
Le 17/06/2019 à 17:58, Gizmo94450 avait écrit ...
J'apprécie le retour de la color hate, ça apprend aux nouveaux le sideboarding de façon assez efficace.


ben moi pas trop. j'avais été convaicu par l'explication de wizard selon laquelle tu pouvais pas faire grand chose si tu jouais les mauvaises couleurs et l'adversaire pouvait t'imposer son plan de jeu.
Alors certes on a pas encore revu la protection contre deux couleurs (sauf épées de modern horizons) mais je trouve ce rétropédalage de mauvaise augure

Après, faut contextualiser, on parle bien du cycle de cartes de side, parmi lesquels la blanche et la bleu ont été révélées ?
Ça reste des cartes de side et hormis en cas de metagame spécifique, elles seront au mieux jouées en *2/*3 dans les sides, on est quand même assez loin du Paladin-en-Vec ou du Croisé mirran.


Les zombies, c'est la vie !
Le tribal, c'est trivial !
Deadpool >>> All


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Envoyé par KOV le Mardi 18 Juin 2019 à 01:57

Du gros rouge qui tache




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Envoyé par Andora le Mardi 18 Juin 2019 à 02:12

Le Dragon Mage qui passe unco au calme.


"On peut douter de tout, sauf de la nécessité de se trouver du côté de celui qui a le pognon" Leodagan

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