Conspiracy Sealed Deck Generator

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Avatar de copperdogma

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Envoyé par copperdogma le Jeudi 29 Mai 2014 à 09:41

Hey all. I've created another Sealed Deck Card Generator so you can generate 6 random boosters of the Conspiracy boosters exactly like you should get in the online release.

Not all cards are available yet, but I'll add them as they're released online. This set has been heavily spoiled without Wizards releasing the actual cards, so many of them don't have images yet.

I used the exact same percent chances as my previous generators. If the frequency of anything has changes since then let me know and I'll adjust it.

Anyway, enjoy!



Avatar de Aheb

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Envoyé par Aheb le Jeudi 29 Mai 2014 à 09:55

I admire your job but are you sure a Sealed Deck Card Generator is needed 'cause it's a draft eddition and I'm not sure any shop or any organisation will organise other events that draft.
(excuse me for my English)


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- Les connards ?
- S’il vous plaît ? "


Avatar de copperdogma

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Envoyé par copperdogma le Jeudi 29 Mai 2014 à 10:07

Le 29/05/2014 à 09:55, Aheb avait écrit ...
I admire your job but are you sure a Sealed Deck Card Generator is needed 'cause it's a draft eddition and I'm not sure any shop or any organisation will organise other events that draft.
(excuse me for my English)

(excuse my lack of French on a French forum!)
Well, you can generate a set of cards and pretend you're drafting I guess. One day I'm going to add a deck builder and draft simulator to this thing.


Avatar de boocat

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Envoyé par boocat le Jeudi 29 Mai 2014 à 11:07

There's only one Conspiracy or Construct per Pack, and it replaces the basic land.


And finally...rock, paper, or scissors ? I thought there weren't going to be any strategy questions in this interview!


Avatar de Andora

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Envoyé par Andora le Jeudi 29 Mai 2014 à 17:10

Thx for that job!


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Avatar de copperdogma

Hors Ligne

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Envoyé par copperdogma le Jeudi 29 Mai 2014 à 18:03

Le 29/05/2014 à 11:07, boocat avait écrit ...
There's only one Conspiracy or Construct per Pack, and it replaces the basic land.

Really? Do you have a source for that? (It sounds right, though.) All I found was something saying a Conspiracy card replaces the basic land, but I didn't see anything saying you only get the one.


Avatar de boocat

Hors Ligne

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Envoyé par boocat le Jeudi 29 Mai 2014 à 18:18

It's kind of a medium set, but it has many of the characteristics of a small set thanks to the presence of one card per pack of either conspiracies or Constructs added in the land sheet.


In this article, they say it


And finally...rock, paper, or scissors ? I thought there weren't going to be any strategy questions in this interview!


Avatar de copperdogma

Hors Ligne

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Envoyé par copperdogma le Jeudi 29 Mai 2014 à 18:30

Le 29/05/2014 à 18:18, boocat avait écrit ...
It's kind of a medium set, but it has many of the characteristics of a small set thanks to the presence of one card per pack of either conspiracies or Constructs added in the land sheet.


In this article, they say it

Thanks! I did read that article and missed that.

I've changed it to match the article: The land slot now replaced with a Conspiracy on Construct card (50/50 chance), and that's the only place you get get one. Thanks!


Avatar de copperdogma

Hors Ligne

Membre Inactif depuis le 08/07/2015

Grade : [Nomade]

Inscrit le 23/04/2013
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Envoyé par copperdogma le Jeudi 05 Juin 2014 à 23:29

The full set has now been posted. Enjoy!

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