Envoyé par Superarcanis le Lundi 13 Août 2007 à 15:54
Voilà ce que nous dit mtg :
Hans Eriksdotter
A young soldier. He had only one appearance in the books, in the short Lhurgoyf story in Monsters of Magic, but the general consensus is that he ascended and traveled to Rath, where he had the chance to appear on Revenants flavor text. Fanofficially it has been established that Hans is also the tiny guy on Phyrexian Dreadnaught, Bringer of the White Dawn, Temple of the False God, Cosmic Larva, An-Zerrin Ruins, Walking Wall and every other card that has a tiny person in the art of which we can’t see who it is.
There is also something odd about his name. He is male, but his last name indicates that he is someones “dotter” (=daughter). Also, “…dotter” names should have the mothers name in the place of the dots, which would mean Hans’s mom was names Erik…
Envoyé par Valicorne le Lundi 13 Août 2007 à 16:02
Hans fait partie des personnages comiques un peu couards ou un peu sots comme Ib Micœur, tacticien gobelin ou Norin le circonspect Ils n'ont pas réellement d'importance. Ils ont vraisemblablement une dimension anecdotique.