Johannes  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 19/07/2016
Grade : [Modo Forum]  Inscrit le 08/04/2005 3544 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 408 Pts | Envoyé par Johannes le Mardi 15 Mai 2007 à 08:46
Vous connaissez sans doute cette carte un peu étrange :

Ainsi que son texte d'ambiance non moins intriguant :
Après avoir conquis le Bastion des Soleils, les Otas s'emparèrent de sa lumière.
Pour ceux que ça intéresse, voici la petite storyline qui va avec (trouvée sur Wizard of the coast) :
"Faith's fools!"
Ventaisen skittered backward, pulling her bulk with many legs as she shrank from the impassive figures advancing down the hall. Silver blood filled the furrows her scales scraped into the stone. "In your blindness you will meet your end. The gods sealed this power for a reason!"
Nobun stared ahead, cold black eyes fixed upon the glowing seal on the opposite wall. "Yes, they did. No more noble reason could they have devised." His gaze turned down upon the guardian. "Open the gate. Release the prisoner, the light you have hidden from the world."
The hellkite laughed, her voice rasping in pain. "This place is not for you. How can you dare to think that it is yours to claim? No. Go back unto your shadows. They wait for you. Even if you could proceed, you would only be destroyed by your own hubris."
Nobun shook his head, and the ota quietly positioned themselves around the wounded dragon. "It is our test, the proof of our divine heritage. No more will we grope blindly in the endless darkness. These lamps you keep hidden, these suns, they were put here for us to find when we had learned the Word. They were put here for us to finally see the faces of our makers, once we learned to stop killing each other, once we had learned to join our strength and act as one. That we have even made it here is proof of our worth."
Ventaisen sneered. "Fine words, praetorian. You who claim to know the mind of the gods, tell me this! What do you intend to do with your prize? Think you that you can take these lamps back to your home, to mount as trophies above your darkened spires? If this is what you believe, you are sorely mistaken. Your lamps will slip through your fingers before you even leave this hallowed place. The gods did not make these suns to light the path of only one of their children!" Her tongue flicked out, lapping the precious silver fluid that leaked down her face.
"Then they also were not made for you alone." The ota moved forward five feet, linking hands in a circle around the dragon. Ventaisen tensed and looked around, the light leaking from behind the seal glinting off her dull golden hide, but her eyes met those of Nobun, and she could not look away. The pain of her wounds subsided to a dull throb, forgotten.
Again the ota strode forward. No feet touched the earth, no wings bent the air, but still it parted before them. "Ventaisen! Your scales are tarnished. The gods sent you as the steward of this light, not as its mistress. It was appointed to you to grant their gift to those who were prophesied to come for it. We are here. We have spoken the Word and you have attacked us, even as it was foretold. Now you will yield to us. We are the many, you but the one. You will meet our demand."
The hellkite smiled grimly. "You have satisfied the signs, you have spoken the Word. It seems I must. But do not think you will enjoy that which you have earned, Nobun. When that light stares unblinking into your soul and all your flaws are laid bare... You will gain strength, but it shall be the strength of sorrow, the will to keep others from suffering as you do. You will find happiness, but it will be the bliss of the pain that distracts you from your tortured thoughts. You will crawl to me asking me to take it back, and I will not. Though I would keep it from you, even more I would keep it from myself."
Praetorian Nobun bowed his head. "Perhaps that is as it has been for you, you who attempted to keep the light of heaven for yourself. It shall not be so for us. The gods have allotted to us this role—such injustice they would not heap upon those who do not defy their law."
"And that sacrament is all that you care for?" Ventaisen shook her head. "So be it. That seal is not to keep you out but to keep your suns in. You have but to reach for them and they will be yours... however briefly."
Nobun clasped his long fingers together and raised his head, sliding silently through the air away from the door. "Then you have earned your leave." The ota circle parted, forming a line to either side of the great dragon.
Ventaisen staggered to her feet. "And take it I shall." As quickly as she could manage, she began to pull herself forward and out of the room, her tail dragging behind her.
As Nobun reached out to touch the seal, Ventaisen closed her eyes.
Light flooded into the world.
SirMateo  Hors Ligne Membre Actif
Grade : [Seigneur]  Inscrit le 04/04/2004 Dernière connexion : aujourd'hui, il y a 10h 1227 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 128 Pts | Envoyé par SirMateo le Mardi 15 Mai 2007 à 12:23
Sa parle de quoi ?^^
Sinon j'ai l'impression qu'on va retrouver un bloc portant sur l'histoire des azteques et tout (bastion des soleils, la carte verte avec les chats,...)
farfelu  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 18/10/2008
Grade : [Nomade]  Inscrit le 14/03/2007 782 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par farfelu le Dimanche 27 Mai 2007 à 21:05
Pis en + le prochain bloc s'appelle Lorwyn ça fait bien mystique
Et si on regarde le texte d'ambiance de l'Ectofeu, on peut s'attendre à voir un nouveau gros dragon : Ugin le dragon-esprit