[Storyline] Portal Second Age

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Envoyé par benef le Mardi 17 Avril 2007 à 22:58

Le tître est assez explicite en soi, je cherche la storyline (anglais ou français ça m'est égal) de Portal 2nd Age et plus particulièrement d'un personnage qui s'appelle l'Ensorceleuse du Marennois.
Si quelqu'un a un lien, une info, un contact, l'histoire elle-même je suis preneur.


Envoyé par Manouel le Lundi 22 Novembre 2010 à 00:14
 Comme tous les 3 mois. En fait benef, c'est une unité de mesure assez précise...
Mini-Wagic : http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/mini-wagic-5-colors/


Avatar de Gil-Galad

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Envoyé par Gil-Galad le Samedi 28 Avril 2007 à 12:46

j'ai déjà trouvé ca

maintenant que j'ai une base, jvais chercher plus en profondeur

Caliman is an island far to the south in Dominaria. It is the setting for Portal Second Age. Most of the civilized races use both magic and technology. Caliman is the only place on Dominiaria where handguns have been invented and are in use.
Alaborn is a highly advanced human kingdom on Caliman’s southern plains. Alaborn's peaceful existence came to an end when the humans encountered the goblins of the mountains and suffered many humiliating defeats. The Alaborns also battled the swamp queen Tojira. The Alaborns wielded many advanced powder- and steamweapons.
The capital of Alaborn, a town famous for its festival.

The Talas
The Talas are the merchants and pirates from the west of Caliman. They dominate the seas and islands with numerous flying ships and a naval army, and control some timber towns and port towns. They harvest featherwood from the elven forests

Norwood is the elven forest that covers much of the north part of Calimas. Faced with many enemies they elves had become highly militarized. The elven queen of Norwood is Arathel.

Dakmor is a ruined Thran city that is hidden in the salt marshes, home of the swamp queen Tojira. Many dark beings come from Dakmor, including mounted human warriors, sorceresses and creatures like scorpions and bats. But but the real threat is the deadly nightstalker army, spawned by Tojira and equipped with Phyrexian weaponry.

Mountain realms
The Calima mountains lack a dominant nation. Instead, they are infested with berserker ogres who wield motorized weapons, huge giants and a kind of especially ferocious goblin. The goblin clans also have commercial trade with Tojira for Phyrexian weapons.



Avatar de Gil-Galad

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Inscrit le 25/12/2002
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Envoyé par Gil-Galad le Samedi 28 Avril 2007 à 12:55

donc en gros, visiblement, la dakmor sorceress, c'est la reine des marais en question...

Dakmor Sorceress is another very popular card in the set. As there were no legendary cards in the set, the sorceress probably represents Tojira, the Swamp Queen.

Et m'est avis que ca peut être aussi utile pour toi


Like Portal, Portal Second Age was specifically designed for easing new players into the game. It featured the same simplified rules set that Portal used, having no artifacts or enchantments in it, adding sword and shield symbols to the creature cards' power and toughness to denote which number was which, and writing rules text in bold type and separating it from the Flavor Text with a thick line to show that they were separate. The set also did not have any instants or interrupts, instead having a few sorceries that could be played at times that sorceries normally could not, such as Mystic Denial, which could only be played in response to a creature or sorcery spell, and Just Fate, which could only be played during an opponent's declare attackers step. All such cards have since received errata to make them actual instants.

However, there were two significant differences between Portal Second Age and the original Portal set. Firstly, Portal Second Age used the proper Magic terminology of Library, Graveyard and Blocking, rather than using the Portal terms Deck, Discard Pile and Intercepting. This was done to make the transition from Portal Second Age up to an advanced or expert-level expansion as easy as possible, as it had been found that players going from Portal upwards were often confused by the use of different terms. Secondly, the creature cards in Second Age all had creature types, whereas in Portal all creature cards just had a type line saying "Summon Creature." Portal Second Age is particularly notable for being the first set to say "Creature -" on the type line instead of Summon, a practice that would later be adopted as standard.

Unlike Portal, Portal Second Age had its own storyline. It was set on the Dominarian island of Caliman and focused on the conflicts between the five different peoples (one for each color) that lived on it: the White-aligned kingdom of Alaborn, the Talas merchant/pirates, the Goblins and other mountain-dwellers, the Elves of Norwood forest and the Dakmor Nightstalkers, with the main focus being on the increasing nightstalker attacks on the Alaborn due to the influence of the sorceress Tojira. The story was told exclusively through the cards and was deliberately open-ended, with the idea being that players could construct decks around the different tribes and play out the story in-game.

The flavor of the set is probably its most controversial aspect. The main point of contention is the Alaborn use of firearms, as seen on cards such as Alaborn Musketeer and Alaborn Zealot. This was badly received by players as it was seen as too real-world and grated with the traditional swords-and-sorcery fantasy setting, particularly as the story took place on Dominaria, where guns had never been depicted before. Since the set was released, other cards have shown advanced technology, such as Urza's Titan engines, but it is generally made clear that such devices are magical in nature.



Avatar de benef

En Ligne

Membre Passif depuis le 08/06/2022

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Inscrit le 26/07/2005
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Envoyé par benef le Jeudi 03 Mai 2007 à 13:14

Merci GG, je vais lire et traduire tout cela pour l'analyse.


Envoyé par Manouel le Lundi 22 Novembre 2010 à 00:14
 Comme tous les 3 mois. En fait benef, c'est une unité de mesure assez précise...
Mini-Wagic : http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/mini-wagic-5-colors/

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