Je rajouterai à cela que sa prétendue survie n'est pas confirmé. Il est possible que vu l'état de stabilité mental de Karona lorsqu'elle l'aurait soit disant rencontré, ce ne soit qu'une hallucination de sa part.
[ Dernière modification par DarthGilles le 13 jui 2013 à 15h05 ]
False Demise?
Or so it seemed.
101 years later the godlike being Karona was looking for beings like her. She first summoned a "god" for each color of magic, and the black one appeared to be Yawgmoth. Later she traveled across the planes and ended up in Phyrexia, devastated by the Nine Titans, but still holding together. There she met Yawgmoth, who revealed he was still alive and rebuilding.
However, with explicit confirmation that Yawgmoth died[1], and given the nature of Karona, this was likely simply a manifestation of Karona's psyche.
source mtg salavtion