lyon4 Hors Ligne Modérateur Actif Modération : Forum, Lexique, Cartes Grade : [Modo Forum] Inscrit le 15/01/2003 Dernière connexion : hier, à 15:03 31996 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 191 Pts | Envoyé par lyon4 le Jeudi 19 Mars 2009 à 20:33
un peu de lecture en anglais (extrait des DCI rules):
Not all DCI-sanctioned games feature Draft tournaments. Check the Limited Tournament Rules section of the specific game’s DCI Floor Rules for more information.
71. Player Distribution
Players assemble randomly into drafting circles (called pods) of roughly equal size at the discretion of the tournament organizer or Head Judge. A tournament official then distributes an identical set of new booster packs to each player in the pod.
Players within a pod may play only against other players within that pod.
Players may not talk or communicate to others during a draft. As players draft the cards, they must place their cards in one orderly pile in front of them. Drafted cards may be reviewed only between the drafting of each pack. (Exception: Multi-player teams may communicate between themselves verbally as they choose during the draft).
72. Draft Card Selection
Before the tournament begins, the Head Judge must announce how much time each player has to select a card. If a player fails to select a card in the time given, it is considered a Tournament Error — Draft Procedure Violation. If the player is unable or unwilling to select a card, he or she is suspended from drafting and must construct a deck from whatever cards he or she has drafted so far.
73. Deck Construction
Once drafting is complete, players have 30 minutes to build decks from the cards they selected. These decks must meet the Limited deck-size requirements specified by the appropriate game’s DCI Floor Rules. The Head Judge or tournament organizer may require players to record on a deck list every card they intend to use in their main decks, as well as all cards they drafted.
je saute les regles du booster draft.
75. Rochester Draft Procedures
Players may not take any notes during a Rochester draft or during deck construction.
Once a player has indicated his or her drafting selection by touching a card, he or she may not select a different card.
When packs are opened, they should be laid out in the center of the table in three rows.
Before the tournament begins, the Head Judge must announce how much time each player has to select a card. If a player fails to select a card in the time given, the pod Judge issues that player the “oldest” card still remaining from the booster pack.
Example: The active player lays out cards from a booster pack. The cards are considered to be in chronological order (1–15), where 1 is the first (oldest) card placed on the table, and 15 is the last (newest) card placed on the table. If a player fails to draft in a timely manner, the cards on the table are examined by the pod Judge, and the first card that was placed on the table is given to that player. If that card has already been selected, the second card that was placed on the table is given, and so on.
During a Rochester draft, players must always display the most recent card they drafted in the current pack face up. When all cards are drafted from the current pack, players may move their cards from that pack to any position.
76. Rochester Draft Table Preparation
Booster packs are divided into groups before the draft table is set, with the number of packs in each group equaling the number of players participating in the draft. If the draft consists of packs from multiple card sets, each group must consist of packs from the same card set.
In preparation for each pack being drafted, the active player lays out the entire contents of the pack face up on the table, with the cards facing him or her (see Section 77, Rochester Draft—Active Player Rotation). Players are given 30 seconds to review the cards before drafting begins.
77. Rochester Draft—Active Player Rotation
The player drafting first from the cards presented on the table is called the active player. The first active player is the participant in the first seat, designated by the Judge. All players in each drafting pod serve as the active player once for each booster pack group (see Section 76, Rochester Draft Table Preparation), with the active player moving between players as follows:
? in a clockwise direction for the first booster pack group (beginning with the first active player);
? in a counterclockwise direction for the second booster pack group (starting with the last active player in the first group);
? and returning to a clockwise direction for the third booster pack group (beginning again with the first active player).
78. Rochester Draft Order
The draft order moves in a horseshoe pattern, beginning with the active player, continuing around the table to the last participant in the group who has not yet drafted a card. The last player in the group selects two cards, instead of one, and drafting continues in reverse order, moving back to the player who began the drafting (the first person who drafted from the pack). If there are still cards remaining, the player who began the drafting selects two cards, and drafting continues again in the opposite direction. (This will only occur with 6- and 7-player Rochester draft.) Once all cards have been drafted, the table Judge prepares the drafting area for the next booster pack.
Example #1: Eight players are seated around a table. They are numbered 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 in a clockwise order. The active player is Player 1. The first booster pack for Player 1 is opened and placed face up in front of Player 1. After the 30-second review period has expired, the draft order is as follows:
Player 1—card 1 Player 6—card 6 Player 6—card 11
Player 2—card 2 Player 7—card 7 Player 5—card 12
Player 3—card 3 Player 8—card 8 Player 4—card 13
Player 4—card 4 Player 8—card 9 Player 3—card 14
Player 5—card 5 Player 7—card 10 Player 2—card 15
The next pack to be opened would be Player #2’s first booster.
Example #2: Seven players are seated around a table. They are numbered 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 in a clockwise order. The active player is Player 1. The first booster pack for Player 1 is opened and placed face up in front of Player 1. After the 30-second review period has expired, the draft order is as follows:
Player 1—card 1 Player 6—card 6 Player 4—card 11
Player 2—card 2 Player 7—card 7 Player 3—card 12
Player 3—card 3 Player 7—card 8 Player 2—card 13
Player 4—card 4 Player 6—card 9 Player 1—card 14
Player 5—card 5 Player 5—card 10 Player 1—card 15
The next pack to be opened would be Player #2’s first booster.
si il y a un truc que tu ne comprends pas (ou si tu n'es pas doué en anglais) , n'hesite pas à demander.
molodiets Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 27/09/2024 Grade : [Nomade] Inscrit le 10/11/2006 8037 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par molodiets le Jeudi 19 Mars 2009 à 22:18
j'ai pas tout compris.
chaque joueur voit ce que l'autre draft mais les boosters ne sont pas reunis en paquet commun au millieu de la table.
Chaque joueur qui pick ne peut, au debut, choisir que parmi 15 cartes, non?
___________________ Je ne suis pas arbitre. Juste un joueur de magic depuis 20 ans.
"mamie sera vite un vieux modèle " Lyon4
Tripel_Ix Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 01/03/2022 Grade : [Druide] Inscrit le 13/01/2007 8401 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 38 Pts | Envoyé par Tripel_Ix le Vendredi 20 Mars 2009 à 05:23
Tu étales le (un) booster sur la table, face visible, puis chaque joueur dans l'ordre du tour jusqu'audernier y prend une carte. Quand tous les joueurs ont pris une carte, le dernier recommence et on reprend la manip dans l'autre sens.
Tu fais ça pour tous les booster, c'est 'hachement long.
___________________ Joueur depuis Carnage, rules advisor, TO, Arbitre
" - Et je choisis protec bleu.
- Bleu?
- Bein oui, comme ta vengeresse de Serra .... "
Tripel_Ix & Redsamurai
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