Alors concernant le mélange
les régles du DCI TOURNAMENT RULES prévoient
21. Shuffling
Shuffling must be done so that the faces of the cards cannot be seen. Regardless of the method used to shuffle, players’ decks must be sufficiently randomized. Each time players shuffle their deck, they must present their deck to their opponent for additional shuffling and/or cutting. Players may request to have a judge shuffle their cards rather than pass that duty to their opponent, this request will be honored at a judge’s discretion. By presenting their decks to their opponents, players are stating that their decks are correct, legal, and sufficiently randomized.
After decks are presented and accepted, any player who does not believe his or her opponent has made a reasonable effort to sufficiently randomize his or her deck must notify a judge. The head judge has final authority to determine whether a deck has been sufficiently randomized. The head judge also has the authority to determine if a player has used reasonable effort to randomize his or her deck. If the head judge believes that either the deck has not been sufficiently randomized or that a player has not made a reasonable effort to randomize his or her deck, the player will be subject to the appropriate provisions of the DCI Penalty Guidelines.
At REL 3 and higher events players must always shuffle their opponents’ decks at the beginning of games. The head judge can mandate the shuffling of opponents’ decks at lower RELs (1 and 2) as long as he or she announces this at the beginning of the tournament. If a shuffling effect takes place during gameplay, players may shuffle and must cut their opponents’ decks after the shuffling effect is completed.
Once players shuffle and/or cut their opponents’ decks, the cards are returned to their original owners. If the opponent has shuffled the player’s deck, that player may make one final cut.
C'est toujours l'adversaire qui a le dernier mot sur le deck adverse.
notez que la notion de REL n'existe plus, ce niveau corresopond au niveau Competitive d'un tournoi.
Le fait de prendre 1 tas de carte avec sur le dessus uniquement les nons terrains, suivit des terrain et de faire 2 fois 5 tas génère un mélange qui aboutit à 1 classement du deck avec 2 cartes, 1 terrain, 2 cartes 1 terrains...
ranger 1 deck constitue une triche, tout comme présenter un deck ranger
Cette triche est très sévèrement sanctionné quelque soit le niveau de tournoi. En effet la saction est la disqualification immédiate du tournoi et peut entraîner le bannissement du joueur pour une durée de 2 ans après que le dossier soit passé en commission.
par contre, le fait de ne pas mélanger suffisemment son deck est également sanctionnable
en preview ou FNM, c'est un warning
en QT, CR ou GP c'est gameloss
en protour ou aux worlds c'est également gameloss.
il n'existe pas de méthose idéale parfaite pour mélanger un deck, mais se contenter de coupe ne suffit pas.
personnellement je fait 1 serie de 5 tas, une serie de 3 tas et une série de 6 tas et quelques riffles shuffle.