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Grade : [Nomade] Inscrit le 20/05/2004 |
Voilà, je suis en train de faire l'analyse de l'Extraction crânienne, et j'aurais besoin de connaître toutes les règles sur les arcanes. Donc si quelqu'un les connait (en français de préférence), ce serait cool qu'il les partage. Merci.
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Grade : [Divinité] Inscrit le 16/03/2003 |
salut, avant tout je tiens a dire que si tu dois faire une analyse (et si c'est ta 1ere qui plus est) tu devrais ne pas trop regardé l'article de cedlic sur comment faire une analyse, essaye de crée ta propre analyse (et pas suivre betement un plan!) Ton tallent sera plus reconnu a l'epoque ou tout le monde a 10/10
![]() Imprégnation d'arcane (Splice onto Arcane) Splice onto Arcane est une capacité à mot-clef liée au sort possédant le sous-type Arcane. En effet, désormais les éphémères et les rituels peuvent avoir un sous-type, mais nous y reviendront plus tard. Cette capacité s'exprime ainsi: Splice onto Arcane X (Quand vous jouez un sort d'Arcane, vous pouvez révéler cette carte de votre main et jouez son coût de "Splice". Si vous le faites, ajoutez les effets de cette carte à ce sort). On peut prendre pour exemple Hideous Laughter, un rituel noir. Ya les dernieres regles (pas en francais) ici http://www.wizards.com/magic/comprules/MagicCompRules041001.txt et je pense que ca peut t'interresé si tu fait une FAQ (malheuresement c'est encore en anglais!)Saturday School questions matching "arcane" From Oh I Like Pie… Humble Pie by John Carter, Saturday, October 2, 2004: Q: Can you splice onto an Arcane instant played from an Isochron Scepter even though you didn't play an arcane spell, just put one on the stack? --Clint B. A: Yes, you can splice onto spells off Isochron Scepter. The wording on Isochron Scepter is, in part, “You may copy the imprinted instant card and play the copy without paying its mana cost.” The Scepter doesn't put a copy on the stack (Mirari and Fork do, for example)—it let's you play a copy. Since you are playing the copy, you can still splice onto it if it's Arcane. Yes, a Glacial Ray in your hand can be spliced onto a copy of a Glacial Ray played off an Isochron Scepter. From Git Yer Gather On by John Carter, Saturday, September 25, 2004: Q: Can I splice the same card onto an arcane spell multiple times? A: No. All splices are revealed at the same time (much like revealing for amplify), and all costs get added together and paid at once (like kicker / buyback). From Git Yer Gather On by John Carter, Saturday, September 25, 2004: Q: If I play an arcane spell, and splice another card onto it, would a Mirari copy the splice? For example, Blind with Anger is played, Glacial Ray is spliced onto it, and Mirari is used on the Blind, does the Ray effect get copied as well? --Matt A: Yes. Splice adds the text onto the spell (“copy… onto” [CR502.40a]). Mirari (or Fork, etc.) then copy the spell including the copied values [CR 503.2]. From Kamigawa Kontinued by John Carter, Saturday, September 18, 2004: Q: I see you using "supertype" and "type" often; "Supertype" referring to instances such as "Legendary", "Artifact", and "Creature". You use "type" to refer to "Arcane," "Hound", and "Rat". I was under the impression that a card's "type" was what you call a "supertype", and your "type" was called "subtype." Some clarification, please? --Isaac A: No problem. We'll start big and go small. First off, the supertype [CR 212.1d] I've been talking about lately is “Legendary”. Legend and Legendary have been around a long time, but it's only with Kamigawa that the two were melted together and Legendary made into a supertype. Supertypes always appear to the left of the dash on the “type line”. Another famous supertype is “basic” as in “Basic Land—Forest”. In the example given, “Land” would be the card's type. Types are those familiar categories… artifact, creature, enchantment, instant, land, or sorcery. A subtype is the part that appears after the dash. In the example, Forest would be the subtype of the land. This gets confusing because a subtype is often referred to as a “<type> type”. For example, Forest is a “land type” [CR 212.6c]. The same thing comes up with creature (sub)types as well. [CR 212.3c]. Now let's put it all together: Isamaru, Hound of Konda is a “Legendary Creature—Hound”. It has a supertype (Legendary), a type (Creature), and a subtype that's also referred to as a creature type (Hound). And Taiga's wording is “Land— Mountain Forest”. It has no supertype (thus it's not Basic), its type is land, and its subtype (or “land type”) is both Mountain and Forest. Having these land types lets you landcycle for a Taiga, but not having the Basic supertype is why you can't Rampant Growth for a Taiga. From Kamigawa Kontinued by John Carter, Saturday, September 18, 2004: Q: Can you splice a single spell on to an arcane spell multiple times? A: No. When you chose to splice one or more cards onto a spell you reveal all of the cards at once. (This is much like revealing cards for Amplify from Legions.) From Saturday School #78 by Rune Horvik, Saturday, May 15, 2004: Q: If I enchant a Voracious Cobra with an Arcane Teachings, will it be able to estroy creatures? The card text says "whenever Voracious Cobra deals combat damage". Would the damage from using Arcane Teachings tap-ability destroy the creature? -- Adam Cornish A: The creature would not be destroyed. Arcane Teachings gives the ability to the creature it enchants, so it would be the creature that deals the damage, but the Cobra's destroy-ability only triggers from dealing combat damage, which is the damage dealt by attacking and blocking creatures in the combat damage step – this does not include damage from other spells or abilities (even if they are used in combat). If you use Lowland Basilisk instead of Voracious Cobra, this works – Lowland Basilisk triggers on all damage the creature deals, not just combat damage. From Saturday School #48 by Rune Horvik, Saturday, October 18, 2003: Q: If I have Rule of Law or Arcane Laboratory in play, can I play a spell, like Unsummon, and activate my Isochron Scepter on the same turn? A: No, you can't. Since Isochron Scepter says that you play the spells, they fall under the restrictions of Rule of Law and Arcane Laboratory. You can activate the Scepter after having played a spell, but you won't be allowed to play the copy the Scepter creates. From Saturday School #41 by Rune Horvik, Saturday, August 30, 2003: Q: If I counter an opponent's spell with Arcane Denial, can I then play Plagiarize on that opponent before he draws the cards in the next upkeep? --Aaron Betts A: That works, but not as well as you’d like. Plagiarize “steals” the cards the opponent would draw from the moment it resolves until the end of the turn. Arcane Denial has a delayed triggered ability that triggers at the beginning of the next upkeep, and you can play Plagiarize in response to that ability to make your opponent skip his draws and draw cards yourself instead. The downside is that your opponent doesn’t choose how many cards he will draw from the Denial until the delayed triggered ability resolves, so if he chooses to draw no cards, you don’t get any cards from Plagiarize. From Saturday School #36 by Rune Horvik, Saturday, July 26, 2003: Q: There is an Arcane Laboratory in play. I play a spell, and my opponent responds with a Sprouting Vines. Does he get the storm copy even though he is only allowed one spell per turn? A: He gets the storm copy. Arcane Laboratory only stops you from playing more than one spell per turn, but effects such as storm just put spells directly on the stack without playing them, so they’re not affected. From Saturday School #32 by Rune Horvik, Saturday, June 14, 2003: Q: If I enchant Goblin Medics with Arcane Teachings and tap it (using the Arcane Teachings ability), will it deal 2 of damage instead of one? --Orlando Siquiera A: It will deal 2 damage, 1 point from Arcane Teachings and 1 point from the triggered ability that triggers when it becomes tapped. You can choose different targets for the two abilities if you want to. Note that Goblin Medics' ability triggers when it taps; tapping it is not a cost like it is on Prodigal Sorcerer.
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Modération : Forum, Lexique, Cartes Grade : [Modo Forum] Inscrit le 15/01/2003 |
c bien beau les moteurs de recherche, mais il faut pas tout prendre non plus (le laboratoires des arcanes n'a rien à voir avec ce type de sort)
ce qu'il faut savoir c'est que "arcane" est un sous-type des types "rituel" ou "ephemere" en soit, ca n'est que ca. mais il y a plein de capacités qui parlent des arcanes extrait de la faq : Splice onto Arcane il y a aussi des cartes qui ont des capacités déclenchées "Whenever you play a Spirit or Arcane spell, ...." (beaucoup sont des kamis)
___________________ M'enfin !? PS: Les questions de règles c'est dans le forum Règles, pas en mp.