Gigantiform + Doyen

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Envoyé par Kiradu95 le Dimanche 15 Février 2015 à 19:42

Si j'ai 5 forêts, et que je met un gigantiforme sur un doyen de brunbosquet, quelle force et endurance aura le doyen ? 5/5, 8/8 ou 13/13 ?

Le texte :

01/10/2009 If the creature targeted by the Gigantiform spell is an illegal target by the time Gigantiform resolves, the spell is countered. It won't enter the battlefield, so you won't get to search your library for another Gigantiform.
01/10/2009 Gigantiform overwrites all previous effects that set the enchanted creature's power and toughness to specific values. Other effects that set its power or toughness to specific values that start to apply after Gigantiform becomes attached to it will overwrite Gigantiform.
01/10/2009 Effects that modify the enchanted creature's power or toughness, such as the effects of Giant Growth or Glorious Anthem, will apply to it no matter when they started to take effect. The same is true for counters that change the creature's power or toughness (such as +1/+1 counters) and effects that switch its power and toughness.
01/10/2009 Although the Gigantiform cast as a spell targets a creature, the Gigantiform put onto the battlefield as a result of the first one's triggered ability does not. It may be attached to a creature with shroud, for example. However, it may not be attached to a creature that couldn't be enchanted by it, such as a creature with protection from green. You don't choose which creature it will be attached to until it enters the battlefield. Once you choose which creature to attach it to, it's too late for players to respond.


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Envoyé par super le Dimanche 15 Février 2015 à 20:04

Il sera 8/8. Quand plusieurs effets qui modifient la force et l'endurance de créatures s'appliquent, on les applique dans l'ordre des sous-couches suivant:
7a-capacité de définition de caractéristiques (en gros, les */* comme le doyen
7b-effets qui fixent la force et/ou l'endurance à une certaine valeur, comme le gigantiforme
7c-effets qui donnent +X/+Y
7d-marqueurs +X/+Y ou -X/-Y
7e- effets qui échangent la force et l'endurance.


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Envoyé par molodiets le Dimanche 15 Février 2015 à 20:07

613.1g Layer 7: Power- and/or toughness-changing effects are applied.

613.3. Within layer 7, apply effects in a series of sublayers in the order described below. Within each sublayer, apply effects in timestamp order. (See rule 613.6.) Note that dependency may alter the order in which effects are applied within a sublayer. (See rule 613.7.)

613.3a Layer 7a: Effects from characteristic-defining abilities that define power and/or toughness are applied. See rule 604.3.
613.3b Layer 7b: Effects that set power and/or toughness to a specific number or value are applied.
613.3c Layer 7c: Effects that modify power and/or toughness (but don’t set power and/or toughness to a specific number or value) are applied.
613.3d Layer 7d: Power and/or toughness changes from counters are applied. See rule 121, “Counters.”
613.3e Layer 7e: Effects that switch a creature’s power and toughness are applied. Such effects take the value of power and apply it to the creature’s toughness, and take the value of toughness and apply it to the creature’s power.
Example: A 1/3 creature is given +0/+1 by an effect. Then another effect switches the creature’s power and toughness. Its new power and toughness is 4/1. A new effect gives the creature +5/+0. Its “unswitched” power and toughness would be 6/4, so its actual power and toughness is 4/6. Example: A 1/3 creature is given +0/+1 by an effect. Then another effect switches the creature’s power and toughness. Its new power and toughness is 4/1. If the +0/+1 effect ends before the switch effect ends, the creature becomes 3/1.

la F/E du doyen seul est fixé par une capacité de definition de caracteristique qui opere en couche 7.a
le gigantiforme modifie la f/e en la fixant a un certain niveau. cala s'applique en couche 7.b

Le gigantiforme est donc toujours prioritaire sur les stat "naturelles" du doyen. Le doyen est 8/8


Je ne suis pas arbitre. Juste un joueur de magic depuis 20 ans.

"mamie sera vite un vieux modèle " Lyon4


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Envoyé par Kiradu95 le Dimanche 15 Février 2015 à 20:17

Ok merci

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