Opalescence n'est pas une créature, elle n'est pas affectée par humility, donc rien ne la concerne, ca reste un enchantement simple.
Show and telle précise bien que les créatures sont mises sur le champ de bataille simultanément. Je laisse donc lyon4 résoudre le cas de la f/e d'humility

(L'idée c'est que si humilty est arrivée après opalescence, c'est une 1/1, si elle est arrivée avant, c'est une 4/4).
L'Eidolon est une 1/1 ou une 2/2 sans capacité (pour la même raison que ce qu'au dessus).
Ensuite, pour le second show and tell, ton 2e eidolon suit le chemin du premier. Que lui soit arrivé en dernier n'a aucune importance, parce que sa f/e s'applique en 7.a là contre 7b pour humility/opalescence.
Par contre, night of souls betrayal s'applique après tout le monde, donc tout ce qui était 1/1 meurt, et tout ce qui était 2/2 devient 1/1.
nb : le gatherer sur Humilty
2006 With a Humility and two Opalescences on the battlefield, if Humility has the latest timestamp, then all creatures are 1/1 with no abilities. If the timestamp order is Opalescence, Humility, Opalescence, the second Opalescence is 1/1, and the Humility and first Opalescence are 4/4. If Humility has the earliest timestamp, then everything is 4/4.
2/1/2007 Removes all creature abilities. This includes mana abilities. Animated lands will also lose the ability to tap for mana.
10/1/2009 This is the current interaction between Humility and Opalescence: The type-changing effect applies at layer 4, but the rest happens in the applicable layers. The rest of it will apply even if the permanent loses its ability before it's finished applying. So if Opalescence, Humility, and Worship are on the battlefield and Opalescence entered the battlefield before Humility, the following is true: Layer 4: Humility and Worship each become creatures that are still enchantments. (Opalescence). Layer 6: Humility and Worship each lose their abilities. (Humility) Layer 7b: Humility becomes 4/4 and Worship becomes 4/4. (Opalescence). Humility becomes 1/1 and Worship becomes 1/1 (Humility). But if Humility entered the battlefield before Opalescence, the following is true: Layer 4: Humility and Worship each become creatures that are still enchantments (Opalescence). Layer 6: Humility and Worship each lose their abilities (Humility). Layer 7b: Humility becomes 1/1 and Worship becomes 1/1 (Humility). Humility becomes 4/4 and Worship becomes 4/4 (Opalescence).
10/1/2009 You apply power/toughness changing effects in a series of sublayers in the following order: (a) effects from characteristic-defining abilities; (b) effects that set power and/or toughness to a specific number or value; (c) effects that modify power and/or toughness but don't set power and/or toughness to a specific number or value; (d) changes from counters; (e) effects that switch a creature's power and toughness. This card's effect is always applied in (b), which means that effects applied in sublayer (c), (d), or (e) will not be overwritten; they will be applied to the new value.