chaudakh  Hors Ligne Modérateur Actif
Modération : Arts, Decks Grade : [Modo Forum]  Inscrit le 11/10/2003 Dernière connexion : le 10/02 à 20:25 7039 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 605 Pts | Envoyé par chaudakh le Dimanche 27 Août 2006 à 21:12
Sinon là aujourd'hui j'ai écouté Dream theater
Faut avoir l'oreille avertie pour écouter du Dream Theater, ça use à la longue...(genre Caught in a web, Dance of Eternity, ...) ... surtout les 1ers albums... Perso, j'ai mis bien 3 ans pour aimer Dream Theater.... Je te conseille "Home", c'est 13 minutes de bonheur... :
The sleeper:
Shine- lake of fire
Lines take me higher
My mind drips desire
Confined and overtired
Living this charade
Is getting me nowhere
I cant shake this charade
The citys cold blood calls me home
Homeits what I long for
Back homewhere I belong
The city- it calls to me
Decadent scenes from my memory
Sorrow- eternity
My demons are coming to drown me
Help- Im falling, Im crawling
I cant keep away from its clutch
Cant have it, this habit
Its calling me back to my home
The miracle:
I remember the first time she came to me
Poured her soul out all night and cried
I remember I was told theres a new love thats born
For each one that has died
I never thought that i
Could carry on with this life
But I cant resist myself
No matter how hard I try
Living their other life
Is getting them nowhere
Ill make her my wife
Her sweet temptation calls me home
Homeits what I long for
My homewhere she belongs
Her ecstasy- means so much to me
Even decieving my own blood
Victoria watches and thoughtfully smiles
Shes taking me to my home
Help- hes my brother, but I love her
I cant keep away from her touch
Deception, dishonor
Its calling me back to my home
Her story- it holds the key
Unlocking dreams from my memory
Solving this mystery
Is everything that is a part of me
Help- regression, obsession
I cant keep away from her touch
Leave no doubt, to find out
Its calling me back to my home
Space Dye Vest est aussi, dans un autre style, excellente
smc  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 25/12/2022
Grade : [Divinité]  Inscrit le 22/07/2004 10634 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 109 Pts | Envoyé par smc le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 01:52
Quand je t'aime
Quand je t'aime
J'ai l'impression d'être un roi
Un chevalier d'autrefois
Le seul homme sur la terre
Quand je t'aime
J'ai l'impression d'être à toi
Comme la rivière au Delta
Prisonnier volontaire
Quand je t'aime
Tous mes gestes me ramènent
A tes lèvres ou à tes bras
A l'amour avec toi
Quand je t'aime
Il est minuit ou midi
En enfer au paradis
N'importe où mais ensemble
Quand je t'aime
Je ne sais plus si je suis
Un mendiant ou un messie
Mais nos rêves se ressemblent
{au Refrain}
Quand je t'aime
J'ai des fleurs au bout des doigts
Et le ciel que je te dois
Est un ciel sans étoiles
Quand je t'aime
J'ai la fièvre dans le sang
Et ce plaisir innocent
Me fait peur, me fait mal
{au Refrain}
Quand je t'aime
J'ai l'impression d'être un roi
Un chevalier d'autrefois
Le seul homme sur la terre
Quand je t'aime
J'ai l'impression d'être à toi
Comme la rivière au Delta
Prisonnier volontaire
Quand je t'aime
Il est minuit ou midi
En enfer au paradis
N'importe où mais ensemble
Quand je t'aime
Je ne sais plus si je suis
Un mendiant ou un messie
Mais nos rêves se ressemblent
Quand je t'aime
___________________ Archmage_Fou : tu es responsable de mc6 smc?
Confucius  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 14/06/2021
Grade : [Sortisan]  Inscrit le 15/05/2005 722 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 29 Pts | Envoyé par Confucius le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 03:04
In the Eyes of the Ranger, the unsuspecting stranger,
Had better know the truth of wrong from right.
'Cause the eyes of the Ranger are upon you, any wrong you do he's gonna see.
When you're in Texas, look behind you, 'cause thats where the Ranger's gonna be.
Edit de Boris : lol, et pour les afficionados.
[ Dernière modification par Borislehachoire le 28 aoû 2006 à 09h44 ]
Le_Brujah  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 31/03/2024
Grade : [Nomade]  Inscrit le 11/04/2004 1742 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par Le_Brujah le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 08:22
Le 28/08/2006, Confucius avait écrit ...In the Eyes of the Ranger, the unsuspecting stranger,
Had better know the truth of wrong from right.
'Cause the eyes of the Ranger are upon you, any wrong you do he's gonna see.
When you're in Texas, look behind you, 'cause thats where the Ranger's gonna be.
smc  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 25/12/2022
Grade : [Divinité]  Inscrit le 22/07/2004 10634 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 109 Pts | Envoyé par smc le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 09:18
Confu <3
___________________ Archmage_Fou : tu es responsable de mc6 smc?
corumette  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 22/08/2007
Grade : [Nomade]  Inscrit le 18/02/2006 84 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par corumette le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 09:37
oh ! incroyable !
smc, tu as mis du demis roussos !
tu es mon dieu.
___________________ Ils m'ont retrouvée...
Johannes  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 19/07/2016
Grade : [Modo Forum]  Inscrit le 08/04/2005 3544 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 408 Pts | Envoyé par Johannes le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 09:57
Le 27/08/2006, chaudakh avait écrit ...
Faut avoir l'oreille avertie pour écouter du Dream Theater, ça use à la longue...(genre Caught in a web, Dance of Eternity, ...) ... surtout les 1ers albums... Perso, j'ai mis bien 3 ans pour aimer Dream Theater.... Je te conseille "Home", c'est 13 minutes de bonheur... :
Là c'était un vieux live (live at the marquee) emprunté à la bibli, et c'est pas mal du tout. J'adore Metropolis.
Passons à des choses moins sérieuses :
Solar glare from Lord Frej,
the Shining One,
in Ljusalfheim he's King of elves.
High above the rainbow
and in the tarn deep in the wood
you'll find the elves.
Follow their light
it's brighter than the sun
it makes you fly...
In the realm of Alfheim
you never know what you have seen.
A pale mirage?
Beauty make you sunblind
it fills your mind
you fly away and lose your hug.
Fly with their wings
they make you feel so free
but you may fall...
Flee from their light
they'll maybe drag you down
or make you fly...
Therion, ou les gros délires épico-légendaires
Le pire c'est que j'adore ça.
smc  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 25/12/2022
Grade : [Divinité]  Inscrit le 22/07/2004 10634 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 109 Pts | Envoyé par smc le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 10:00
Le 28/08/2006, corumette avait écrit ...oh ! incroyable !
smc, tu as mis du demis roussos !
tu es mon dieu.
___________________ Archmage_Fou : tu es responsable de mc6 smc?
Ch@mpi  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 30/07/2014
Grade : [Sorcier]  Inscrit le 14/08/2004 1276 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 119 Pts | Envoyé par Ch@mpi le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 10:17
Spineless from the start, sucked into the part
Circus comes to town, you play the lead clown
Please, please
Spreading his disease, living by his story
Knees, knees
Falling to your knees, suffer for his glory
You will
Time for lust, time for lie
Time to kiss your life goodbye
Send me money, send me green
Heaven you will meet
Make a contribution
And you'll get a better seat
Bow to leper messiah
Marvel at his tricks, need your sunday fix
Blind devotion came, rotting your brain
Chain, chain
Join the endless chain, taken by his glamour
Fame, fame
Infection is the game, stinking drunk with power
We see
Bow to leper messiah
Witchery, weakening
Sees the sheep are gathering
Set the trap, hypnotize
Now you follow
Metallica- leper Messiah
I'm in a mental cage,
I'm locked up
Imprisoned I live,
Deathlike, sickening
Strong is your hold
On my resignation
I don't see the stars,
My memories are veiled
In fluid dreams
I fall I'm restless
Walls made of stone
Are turned into water now
Enlightened demons
Are taking me by the hand
Approaching me,
This great eye speaking
Mountainous waves
Are breaking on my despair
Awaken me but I'm still dreaming
And I just plunge
Into this sea of light
Set open the doors of soul
I'm living
Lightning struck me
I see the path I was so scared of
And fly to the stars
Conviction now increasing at last
My skin is broken
I see the smallest part of me
My mind is alive
But I'll never bow to this again
Why do they call me there
How can I fly to
All this water
I don't feel like
I could ever swim to them
Whales in the sky
I feel they're so close
Inside, and yet so far away
Burst into tears, I feel sad
My dreams aflame
The force is now away
Lie on a stone,
Drop this load and cry to see
The ocean planet is on burn
Gojira- Ocean planet
chaudakh  Hors Ligne Modérateur Actif
Modération : Arts, Decks Grade : [Modo Forum]  Inscrit le 11/10/2003 Dernière connexion : le 10/02 à 20:25 7039 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 605 Pts | Envoyé par chaudakh le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 10:22
Le 28/08/2006, Johannes avait écrit ...
J'adore Metropolis.
C'est surtout l'intro, qui est énorme ^^ ... La fin est déjà plus difficile à l'écoute...
Le 28/08/2006, Johannes avait écrit ...
Therion, ou les gros délires épico-légendaires
Quid de Rhapsody ??! Les clips sont assez gros aussi, tous là en capes, armures, épées ...
[ Dernière modification par chaudakh le 28 aoû 2006 à 10h26 ]
Johannes  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 19/07/2016
Grade : [Modo Forum]  Inscrit le 08/04/2005 3544 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 408 Pts | Envoyé par Johannes le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 10:23
Pas tellement, pourquoi ?
chaudakh  Hors Ligne Modérateur Actif
Modération : Arts, Decks Grade : [Modo Forum]  Inscrit le 11/10/2003 Dernière connexion : le 10/02 à 20:25 7039 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 605 Pts | Envoyé par chaudakh le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 10:28
C'est ploytonal, ou atonal, ça dépend comment tu le vois, c'est à la limite de "l'audible"... à moins qu'ils aient squeezer la fin dans la version Live !
allez pour la route, un de mes coups de coeur :
Dream Theater - Space Dye Vest
Falling through pages of martens on angels
Feeling my heart pull west
I saw the future dressed as a stranger
Love in a space-dye vest
Love is an act of blood and Im bleeding
A pool in the shape of a heart
Beauty projection in the reflection
Always the worst way to start
But hes the sort who cant know
Anyone intimately, least of all a
Woman. he doesnt know what a woman
Is. he wants you for a possession,
Something to look at like a painting or an ivory box.
Something to own and to display. he doesnt want you to be real,
Or to think or to live. he doesnt love you, but I love you.
I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas and feelings, even when
I hold you in my arms. its our last chance... its our last chance...
Now that youre gone Im trying to take it
Learning to swallow the rage
Found a new girl I think we can make it
As long as she stays on the page
This is not how I want it to end
And Ill never be open again
...i was gonna move out...ummm...get,
Get a job, get my own place, ummm,
But... I go into the mall where i
Want to work and they tell me, im,
I was too young...
Some people, gave advice before,
About facing the facts, about
Facing reality. and this is, this
Without a doubt, is his biggest
Challenge ever. hes going to have to face it.
Youre gonna have to try, hes gonna to have to try and,
Uh, and, and, and get some help here. I mean no one can
Say they know how he feels.
That, so they say that, in ya know
Like, houston or something, youd
Say its a hundred and eighty degrees,
But its a dry heat
. in houston they say that?
Oh, maybe not. Im all mixed up.
Dry until they hit the swimming pool.
...i get up with the sun... listen.
You have your own room to sleep in,
I dont care what you do. I dont
Care when. that door gets locked,
That door gets locked at night by nine oclock.
If youre not in this house by nine oclock, then youd better find some
Place to sleep. because youre not going to be a bum in this house.
Supper is ready...
Theres no one to take my blame
If they wanted to
Theres nothing to keep me sane
And its all the same to you
Theres nowhere to set my aim
So Im everywhere
Never come near me again
Do you really think I need you
Ill never be open again, I could never be open again.
Ill never be open again, I could never be open again.
And Ill smile and Ill learn to pretend
And Ill never be open again
And Ill have no more dreams to defend
And Ill never be open again
[ Dernière modification par chaudakh le 28 aoû 2006 à 10h39 ]
f4k3  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 06/11/2022
Grade : [Staff Chat]  Inscrit le 29/03/2003 6584 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 50 Pts | Envoyé par f4k3 le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 10:48
Laisse-moi t'aimer
Toute une nuit
Toute une nuit
Faire avec toi
Le plus long, le plus beau voyage
Veux-tu le faire aussi?
Une hirondelle fait mon printemps
Quand je te vois
Mon ciel devient plus grand
Je prends ta main
Alors je sens que j'ai pour toi
L'amour au bout des doigts
La feuille qui grandit a besoin de lumière
Et le poisson meurt sans l'eau de la rivière
Aussi vrai que nos corps sont nés de la poussière
Toi tu es mon soleil et mon eau vive
Laisse-moi t'aimer
Rien qu'une nuit
Laisse moi, rien qu'une nuit
Voir dans tes yeux
Le plus merveilleux paysage
Oh oui si tu le veux
Laisse-moi t'aimer
Laisse-moi t'aimer, toute ma vie
Laisse-moi, laisse-moi t'aimer
Faire avec toi le plus grand de tous les voyages
Laisse-moi, laisse-moi t'aimer, t'aimer.
MIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike <3
tisseur_de_reves  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 29/01/2022
Grade : [Divinité]  Inscrit le 09/03/2003 3342 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 108 Pts | Envoyé par tisseur_de_reves le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 10:54
spéciale dédicace à l'ami Chaudakh:
Blank Infinity
Trying to keep myself afloat upon this stream
But a thought is pulling me down
Pulling me all the way down
We are wandering towards a blank infinity
And extinguishing will now be the only way
To diminish your sins
This vortex can't be filled up again
A hole in space and time
Do you cry to the heaven's high
When you're confined in here?
Do you not ever wonder why
These leaden tears will never dry?
They'll leave behind so many shadows in my mind
High in the sky, all of the clouds are passing by
Wait for the storm, wait for the rain
Wait for the tears to fall down on me
We are wandering towards a blank infinity
And extinguishing will now be the only way
To diminish your sins
This vortex can't be filled up again
A hole in space and time
Do you cry to the heaven's high
When you're confined in here?
Do you not ever wonder why
These leaden tears will never dry?
They'll leave behind so many shadows
Living in me, living in all the memories in my life
Do you wonder why
These tears never dry?
Time forced into life (in my life)
Living in my mind
Can we ever find a way in this labyrinth without end?
Labyrinth has no end
Which turn should I take?
Left or right?
Should I stay?
Should I be the one?
Do you cry to the heaven's high
When you're confined in here?
Do you not ever wonder why
These leaden tears will never dry?
They'll leave behind so many shadows
The substance in time forced into life
Still exists because it's here
Living in me, living in all the memories in my life
Lost inside blank infinity
___________________ Faites deux pas au nord dans l'avenir instable, au sud dans le passé agité, à l'est dans le présent ou à l'ouest dans le vaste inconnu.
Johannes  Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 19/07/2016
Grade : [Modo Forum]  Inscrit le 08/04/2005 3544 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 408 Pts | Envoyé par Johannes le Lundi 28 Août 2006 à 11:45
Et un Depeche mode pour changer d'ambiance :
Can you feel a little love
As your bony fingers close around me
Long and spindly
Death becomes me
Heaven can you see what I see
Hey you pale and sickly child
Youre death and living reconciled
Been walking home a crooked mile
Paying debt to karma
You party for a living
What you take wont kill you
But careful what youre giving
Theres no time for hesitating
Pain is ready, pain is waiting
Primed to do its educating
Unwanted, uninvited kin
It creeps beneath your crawling skin
It lives without it lives within you
Feel the fever coming
Youre shaking and twitching
You can scratch all over
But that wont stop you itching
Can you feel a little love
Can you feel a little love
Dream on dream on
Blame it on your karmic curse
Oh shame upon the universe
It knows its lines
Its well rehearsed
It sucked you in, it dragged you down
To where there is no hallowed ground
Where holiness is never found
Paying debt to karma
You party for a living
What you take wont kill you
But careful what youre giving
Can you feel a little love
Can you feel a little love
Dream on dream on