Best of Mauvaise foi

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Envoyé par Anastaszor le Mercredi 26 Décembre 2012 à 19:51

 Bon, ce serait bien de mettre des screenshoot pour appuyer vos dires...  
Les prochains posts sans preuves seront supprimés 


Pour mettre les liens des cartes : utilisez l'icône icon urlcarte
banniere boros/orzhov


Avatar de Gandalf20000000

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Envoyé par Gandalf20000000 le Mercredi 26 Décembre 2012 à 23:47

Le 25/12/2012 à 12:59, Tzarkan avait écrit ...

nation de mauvais joueurs sur cck c'est la france (qui se fight avec l'espagne)


T'as oublié les ricains!

 Le 26/12/2012 à 19:51, Anastaszor avait écrit ...

Bon, ce serait bien de mettre des screenshoot pour appuyer vos dires...  
Les prochains posts sans preuves seront supprimés 

saleté de Cockatrice, sur un ragequit on peut pas prendre de screen


Avatar de Wizzards

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Envoyé par Wizzards le Mercredi 02 Janvier 2013 à 01:43

Le 26/12/2012 à 23:47, Gandalf20000000 avait écrit ...

saleté de Cockatrice, sur un ragequit on peut pas prendre de screen

Au pire tu screen en bas à droite, et t'expliques ce qui se passe.


Le beau jeu, et rien que le beau jeu
Membre officiel de l'équipe des Génies, composé de moi-même, tyrecks, Dreamwalker, Monotourist, et geogeo55 !


Avatar de NorthNikko

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Envoyé par NorthNikko le Jeudi 03 Janvier 2013 à 17:20

 NorthNikko puts Seismic Assault into play from hand.
 NorthNikko: ok?
 Player_1: yes
NorthNikko puts Island into play from hand.
NorthNikko puts Mountain into play from hand.
NorthNikko points from his Mountain to his Seismic Assault.
NorthNikko points from his Island to his Seismic Assault.
NorthNikko points from his Seismic Assault to Player_1's Liliana of the Veil.
 Player_1: yes
NorthNikko puts Island from table into graveyard.
NorthNikko puts Mountain from table into graveyard.
Player_1 has left the game.
My first rage quit




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Envoyé par NorthNikko le Jeudi 03 Janvier 2013 à 17:35

Ca, c'est beau ^^ 




Avatar de Gandalf20000000

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Envoyé par Gandalf20000000 le Jeudi 03 Janvier 2013 à 19:08

Le 03/01/2013 à 17:20, NorthNikko avait écrit ...

My first rage quit

 Les gens qui s'appellent "Player" on un gros coefiscient de rage-quit


Avatar de Gandalf20000000

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Envoyé par Gandalf20000000 le Jeudi 03 Janvier 2013 à 19:11

 Je joue Deathrite Shaman.

A la fin de son tour, je l'engage pour exilé une carte de son cimetière, ce à qui il répond avec un Feeling of Dread en m'engagent ma shaman.
Je lui explique que l'engagement de la shaman fait partie du coût de la capacité, donc engagé ma shaman ne contrera pas la capacité. Il n'était pas d'accord : Rage quit


Avatar de Tzarkan

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Envoyé par Tzarkan le Vendredi 04 Janvier 2013 à 16:20

Un petit en modern


Je test un Bant aura. Il jouait monoG ramp.
J'avais gagné la 1, c'était la 2

Je la gagne en lui mettant les 14 grace a geist alors qu'il venait de tuto emrakul + gagner 7 pv grâce au primal command qu'on apercoit (difficilement, j'en conviens xD)au grave
du coup bah... ragequit   (un italien bizarrement )



Avatar de Talen

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Envoyé par Talen le Vendredi 04 Janvier 2013 à 17:02

C'est pas "vraiment" un ragequit s'il a perdu mais un gain de temps d'un mauvais perdant. :3


"Je n'aime pas les gens qui ont des citations dans leur signature. "
_Édith Piaf


Avatar de Tzarkan

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Inscrit le 13/06/2011
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Envoyé par Tzarkan le Vendredi 04 Janvier 2013 à 18:50

Stop jouer sur les mots vilain chien



Avatar de Gandalf20000000

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Inscrit le 16/03/2003
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Envoyé par Gandalf20000000 le Samedi 05 Janvier 2013 à 18:47

 En voila un TRES TRES BON!!!! 

Je vous met l'intégralité du chat en bas du message!

Je joue en T2 contre un deck vampire. lui joue notament : 
Olivia Voldaren

Stromkirk Captain
Falkenrath Noble
Bloodline Keeper
Blood Artist

1 / Ca commence par une petite altercation sur les dégats que je reçois d'olivia alors qu'il a le Stromkirk captain (donc c'est une 4/4), j'ai perdu suffisament de vie, mais il était pas d'accord. Bon jusque la, ca arrive pas de soucis.

2 / Ensuite c'est énorme! Alors qu'il à olivia avec 1 marqueurs, le captain, un thragstusk(qu'il m'a piqué) et un blood artist.
Un peu chanceux, j'ai assez de mana pour lancer un 
Bonfire of the Damned pour X=4.
Il refuse de faire mourir Olivia, prétextant que, quand olivia se prend les 4 dégats, c'est encore 5/5 et donc qu'elle survi! Après un argumentation (qui confirme qu'elle meurt...) il me dit que ca lui ai déja arrivé et que les juges lui ont dit qu'il avait raison! Et termine cette altercation par :"De toute façon, j'ai pas besoin d'elle pour te battre!
Le Screenshot :
Quelques tous plus tard, il à Bloodline Keeper et j'ai un searing spear en attente en main. Il joue un Falkenrath Noble je lui dit alors qu'en réponse je joue le seering spear sur le bloodline keeper, ce à quoi il me répond que jouer en réponse c'est pas "jouer avant"! 
Il termine cette altercation par un joli : "Je continu à jouer parce que je veux te battre!" ce à quoi je répond : "je continu à jouer pour le topic du Best of mauvaise foi" de ce forum
Le screenshot :
4/ Il attaque avec une Beast 3/3 , je bloc avec 
Rakdos Keyrune et il me dit que ma keyrun est morte. Je lui rappel le First strike, et la il quitte s'en est trop pour lui


It is now the untap step.
Therecameahero untaps his permanents.
Therecameahero draws 1 card(s).
Therecameahero puts Dragonskull Summit into play from hand.
Therecameahero taps Isolated Chapel.
Therecameahero taps Mountain.
Therecameahero taps Dragonskull Summit.
Therecameahero puts Stromkirk Captain into play from hand.
Therecameahero taps Clifftop Retreat.
Therecameahero taps Blood Crypt.
Therecameahero plays Ultimate Price from hand.
Therecameahero points from his Ultimate Price to Gandalf2KK's Beast.
Gandalf2KK destroys Beast.
Therecameahero puts Ultimate Price from the stack into graveyard.
It is now the declare attackers step.
Therecameahero taps Olivia Voldaren.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 22 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 21 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 20 (-1).
Therecameahero sets PT of Olivia Voldaren to 4/4.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 19 (-1).
Gandalf2KK taps Mountain.
Gandalf2KK points from his Mountain to himself.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 18 (-1).
Gandalf2KK draws 1 card(s).
Therecameahero points from his Olivia Voldaren to Gandalf2KK.
 Gandalf2KK: ok
End your turn?
 Therecameahero: after u take damage
 Gandalf2KK: -4 for olivia, -1 for underworld

It is now the ending phase.

It is now Gandalf2KK's turn.

It is now the untap step.
It is now the upkeep step.
Gandalf2KK untaps his permanents.
It is now the draw step.
Gandalf2KK draws 1 card(s).
Gandalf2KK taps Mountain.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 17 (-1).
Gandalf2KK draws 1 card(s).
Gandalf2KK puts Woodland Cemetery into play from hand.
Gandalf2KK taps Dragonskull Summit.
Gandalf2KK taps Woodland Cemetery.
Gandalf2KK taps Rootbound Crag.
Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK puts Thragtusk into play from hand.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 18 (+1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 19 (+1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 20 (+1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 21 (+1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 22 (+1).
It is now the ending phase.

It is now Therecameahero's turn.

It is now the untap step.
Therecameahero untaps his permanents.
Therecameahero draws 1 card(s).
Therecameahero taps Blood Crypt.
Therecameahero taps Clifftop Retreat.
Therecameahero puts Blood Artist into play from hand.
Therecameahero taps Isolated Chapel.
Therecameahero taps Mountain.
Therecameahero points from his Olivia Voldaren to Gandalf2KK's Thragtusk.
Gandalf2KK sets annotation of Thragtusk to "Vampire".
Therecameahero places 1 red counter(s) on Olivia Voldaren (now 1).
It is now the ending phase.

It is now Gandalf2KK's turn.

It is now the untap step.
It is now the upkeep step.
Gandalf2KK untaps his permanents.
It is now the draw step.
Gandalf2KK draws 1 card(s).
Gandalf2KK taps Mountain.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 21 (-1).
Gandalf2KK draws 1 card(s).
Gandalf2KK taps Thragtusk.
It is now the declare attackers step.
Therecameahero sets counter life to 22 (-1).
Therecameahero sets counter life to 21 (-1).
Therecameahero sets counter life to 20 (-1).
Therecameahero sets counter life to 19 (-1).
Therecameahero sets counter life to 18 (-1).
It is now the second main phase.
 Gandalf2KK: Thinking...
 Therecameahero: k
Gandalf2KK taps Blood Crypt.
Gandalf2KK taps Dragonskull Summit.
Gandalf2KK taps Woodland Cemetery.
Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK taps Rootbound Crag.
Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK puts Rakdos Keyrune into play from hand.
Gandalf2KK puts Rakdos Keyrune into play from hand.
It is now the ending phase.

It is now Therecameahero's turn.

It is now the untap step.
Therecameahero untaps his permanents.
Therecameahero draws 1 card(s).
Therecameahero puts Mountain into play from hand.
Therecameahero taps Blood Crypt.
Therecameahero taps Clifftop Retreat.
Therecameahero taps Isolated Chapel.
Therecameahero taps Mountain.
Therecameahero taps Mountain.
Therecameahero points from his Olivia Voldaren to Gandalf2KK's Thragtusk.
Gandalf2KK gives Therecameahero control over Thragtusk.
It is now the declare attackers step.
Therecameahero taps Olivia Voldaren.
It is now the declare blockers step.
It is now the combat damage step.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 20 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 19 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 18 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 17 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 16 (-1).
It is now the ending phase.

It is now Gandalf2KK's turn.

It is now the untap step.
It is now the upkeep step.
Gandalf2KK untaps his permanents.
It is now the draw step.
Gandalf2KK draws 1 card(s).
Gandalf2KK taps Dragonskull Summit.
Gandalf2KK taps Woodland Cemetery.
Gandalf2KK taps Rootbound Crag.
Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK untaps Dragonskull Summit.
Gandalf2KK untaps Woodland Cemetery.
Gandalf2KK untaps Rootbound Crag.
Gandalf2KK untaps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK taps Mountain.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 15 (-1).
Gandalf2KK draws 1 card(s).
Gandalf2KK puts Rootbound Crag into play from hand.
Gandalf2KK taps Blood Crypt.
Gandalf2KK taps Dragonskull Summit.
Gandalf2KK taps Rootbound Crag.
Gandalf2KK taps Woodland Cemetery.
Gandalf2KK taps Rootbound Crag.
Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK taps Rakdos Keyrune.
Gandalf2KK taps Rakdos Keyrune.
Gandalf2KK plays Bonfire of the Damned from hand.
 Gandalf2KK: X=4

 Therecameahero: when did u pay and play keyrune
 Gandalf2KK: last turn
 Therecameahero: k
Therecameahero puts Stromkirk Captain from table into graveyard.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 14 (-1).
Therecameahero puts Thragtusk from table into graveyard.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 13 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 12 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 11 (-1).
Therecameahero puts Blood Artist from table into graveyard.
Therecameahero sets counter life to 19 (+1).
Therecameahero sets counter life to 20 (+1).
Therecameahero sets counter life to 21 (+1).
Gandalf2KK points from his Bonfire of the Damned to Therecameahero's Olivia Voldaren.
Therecameahero creates token: Beast (3/3).
Therecameahero: no cause of the stack
 Gandalf2KK: ?
When the captain leave the battelfield, olivia is a 3/3 with 1 +1/+1 counters and 4 damages
 Therecameahero: damned hits for 4 at the same time, so olivia takes 4 as a 5/5, then goes to 4/4 cause captain left
 Gandalf2KK: yes
it's a 4/4
with 4 damages

Therecameahero: its a 4/4 after damned hits, i had this happen bfore and judge ruled in my favor
Therecameahero sets PT of Olivia Voldaren to 3/3.
 Gandalf2KK: I m sry but you're wrong, damages stay on the creature until the end of turn. So next time state base effect resolve, it die

 Therecameahero: i mean whateve i can still win without her
Therecameahero puts Olivia Voldaren from table into graveyard.
Therecameahero sets counter life to 20 (-1).
Therecameahero sets counter life to 19 (-1).
Therecameahero sets counter life to 18 (-1).
Therecameahero sets counter life to 17 (-1).
Gandalf2KK puts Bonfire of the Damned from the stack into graveyard.
 Gandalf2KK: +1 for blood artist
It is now the ending phase.
 Therecameahero: wait was that miracle
 Gandalf2KK: no
 Therecameahero: ok
Therecameahero sets counter life to 18 (+1).

It is now Therecameahero's turn.

It is now the untap step.
Therecameahero untaps his permanents.
Therecameahero draws 1 card(s).
Therecameahero taps Blood Crypt.
Therecameahero taps Clifftop Retreat.
Therecameahero taps Isolated Chapel.
Therecameahero taps Mountain.
Therecameahero puts Bloodline Keeper into play from hand.
It is now the declare attackers step.
Therecameahero taps Beast.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 10 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 9 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 8 (-1).
It is now the combat damage step.
It is now the ending phase.

It is now Gandalf2KK's turn.

It is now the untap step.
It is now the upkeep step.
Gandalf2KK untaps his permanents.
It is now the draw step.
Gandalf2KK draws 1 card(s).
Gandalf2KK taps Rootbound Crag.
Gandalf2KK taps Rootbound Crag.
Gandalf2KK taps Woodland Cemetery.
Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK puts Huntmaster of the Fells into play from hand.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 9 (+1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 10 (+1).
Gandalf2KK creates token: Beast (3/3).
It is now the ending phase.
 Therecameahero: 2/2 wolf
Gandalf2KK destroys Beast.

It is now Therecameahero's turn.

It is now the untap step.
Gandalf2KK creates token: Wolf (2/2).
Therecameahero untaps his permanents.
Therecameahero draws 1 card(s).
Therecameahero taps Blood Crypt.
Therecameahero taps Clifftop Retreat.
Therecameahero taps Isolated Chapel.
Therecameahero taps Mountain.
Therecameahero puts Falkenrath Noble into play from hand.
Therecameahero taps Bloodline Keeper.
 Gandalf2KK: response
Therecameahero creates token: Vampire.
 Gandalf2KK: To noble
Gandalf2KK taps Dragonskull Summit.
Gandalf2KK taps Blood Crypt.
Gandalf2KK plays Searing Spear from hand.
Therecameahero destroys Vampire.
Gandalf2KK points from his Searing Spear to Therecameahero's Bloodline Keeper.
Therecameahero puts Bloodline Keeper from table into graveyard.
Gandalf2KK puts Searing Spear from the stack into graveyard.
Therecameahero sets counter life to 19 (+1).
 Therecameahero: lose a life
 Gandalf2KK: in response to falkenrath noble
 Therecameahero: yeah in response not bfore noble
 Gandalf2KK: Falkenrath noble is on stack : i play Searing spear
dude whatev
Therecameahero sets counter life to 18 (-1).
 Gandalf2KK: ok
 Therecameahero: im only still playing u cause i wanna beat u
Whiz is now watching the game.
It is now the declare attackers step.
Therecameahero taps Beast.
It is now the declare blockers step.
 Gandalf2KK: I l still playing you for "Worst of noob topic" on forums

Gandalf2KK taps Rakdos Keyrune.
Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
 Therecameahero: plz
Gandalf2KK sets PT of Rakdos Keyrune to 3/1.
Gandalf2KK points from his Rakdos Keyrune to Therecameahero's Beast.
Therecameahero destroys Beast.
Therecameahero sets counter life to 19 (+1).
Therecameahero sets counter life to 20 (+1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 9 (-1).
 Therecameahero: no he dead
 Gandalf2KK: first strike
Therecameahero has left the game.


Avatar de Gandalf20000000

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Membre Inactif depuis le 27/01/2022

Grade : [Divinité]

Inscrit le 16/03/2003
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Envoyé par Gandalf20000000 le Lundi 07 Janvier 2013 à 15:01

 Encore moi!

Un Malaisien (domage, car il jouait vraiement bien!)

Snapcaster Mage
Supreme Verdict
Deathrite Shaman

Il joue Snapcaster en ciblant un supreme verdict au cimetière. En réponse, j'utilise la deathrite shaman pour exilé le suprem verdict.

Il m'annonce alors que je n'ai pas le droit car c'est trop tard. Je lui répond que je peut le faire en réponse à la capacité du snapcaster. A cela, il répond que comme il y a deux supreme verdict au cimetière, il joue le 2ème. Je lui explique qu'il n'a pas le droit et ragequit!

It is now the untap step.
MuShRo0mPuNk untaps his permanents.
MuShRo0mPuNk draws 1 card(s).
It is now the beginning of combat step.
It is now the declare attackers step.
MuShRo0mPuNk taps beast.
MuShRo0mPuNk taps Snapcaster Mage.
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 31 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 30 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 29 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 28 (-1).
Gandalf2KK sets counter life to 27 (-1).
MuShRo0mPuNk puts Snapcaster Mage into play from hand.
MuShRo0mPuNk plays Supreme Verdict from graveyard.
 Gandalf2KK: resp
MuShRo0mPuNk taps Glacial Fortress.
MuShRo0mPuNk taps Temple Garden.
MuShRo0mPuNk taps Temple Garden.
MuShRo0mPuNk taps Island.
MuShRo0mPuNk taps Hallowed Fountain.
MuShRo0mPuNk taps Temple Garden.
Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK taps Deathrite Shaman.
Gandalf2KK points from his Deathrite Shaman to MuShRo0mPuNk's Supreme Verdict.
MuShRo0mPuNk sets counter life to 6 (-1).
MuShRo0mPuNk sets counter life to 5 (-1).
MuShRo0mPuNk exiles Supreme Verdict from the stack.
MuShRo0mPuNk plays Supreme Verdict from exile.
MuShRo0mPuNk sets counter life to 6 (+1).
MuShRo0mPuNk sets counter life to 7 (+1).
 MuShRo0mPuNk: you cant resp to verdict
 Gandalf2KK: no i can't
 MuShRo0mPuNk: coz its still on the stack
 Gandalf2KK: but i can respons to the ability of snapcaster
 MuShRo0mPuNk: but there are two
so pick one
MuShRo0mPuNk plays Supreme Verdict from graveyard.
 Gandalf2KK: i target the one you pick
 MuShRo0mPuNk: wich is???
MuShRo0mPuNk has lost connection to the game.
 Gandalf2KK: When snapcater enter the battlefield, you target 1 on the suprem verdict. In response i target the same verdict with samana


Avatar de Gandalf20000000

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Membre Inactif depuis le 27/01/2022

Grade : [Divinité]

Inscrit le 16/03/2003
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Envoyé par Gandalf20000000 le Mardi 15 Janvier 2013 à 14:08

 Bon, j'aime bien poster tout seul alors je continu!

Le gars n'est pas content de mon topdeck, me dit que je sais pas jouer et ragequit.  Pour lui foutre un peu les nerfs (j'adore emmerder les cons!) je lui envois un ptit message "Noob" et sa réponse est magnifique!

Gandalf2KK puts Thundermaw Hellkite into play from hand.
It is now the declare attackers step.
 omg_no: wow
Gandalf2KK taps Thragtusk.
Gandalf2KK taps Thundermaw Hellkite.
omg_no taps Island.
 Gandalf2KK: ^^
omg_no taps Island.
omg_no taps Glacial Fortress.
omg_no taps Plains.
omg_no puts Restoration Angel into play from hand.
omg_no points from his Restoration Angel to Gandalf2KK's Thragtusk.
omg_no sets counter life to 19 (-1).
omg_no sets counter life to 18 (-1).
omg_no sets counter life to 17 (-1).
omg_no sets counter life to 16 (-1).
omg_no sets counter life to 15 (-1).
Gandalf2KK puts Thragtusk from table into graveyard.
Gandalf2KK creates token: Beast (3/3).
omg_no puts Restoration Angel from table into graveyard.

Gandalf2KK taps Overgrown Tomb.
Gandalf2KK taps Blood Crypt.
Gandalf2KK plays Dreadbore from hand.
Gandalf2KK points from his Dreadbore to omg_no's Jace, Architect of Thought.
 omg_no: wow dude
you're not even good
omg_no has left the game.


Avatar de -Hebus-

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Inscrit le 07/03/2008
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Envoyé par -Hebus- le Mardi 22 Janvier 2013 à 14:00


Le rageux du jour en français : il teste un deck edh (je ne me souviens même pas du général) et perd 2-0 contre moi :

son message :

j'essaye de mettre du sel sur la plaie en lui parlant via le "direct chat" et cela m'écrit : "this user is ignoring you".
Du coup, il m'a bloqué !

Mon Dieu, perdre et ignorer, quelle étrange notion de magic !


Avatar de Wizzards

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Inscrit le 03/10/2009
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Envoyé par Wizzards le Jeudi 24 Janvier 2013 à 23:29

Bon, le mec en face jouait Martyr'Aggro. Moi je teste un RW Stax.
Tour 3, je pose Trinisphère, et il rage-quit.

Ah ok.


Le beau jeu, et rien que le beau jeu
Membre officiel de l'équipe des Génies, composé de moi-même, tyrecks, Dreamwalker, Monotourist, et geogeo55 !

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