Carnage sortira du bloc quand kamigwa sera autorisé , la 8eme quand la 9eme arivera et mirrodin , quand l'édition après kamigawa arrivera |
C'est pas ce qu'on appelle le type2 ça et non l'étendu...(peut-être que ça a un lien, je sais pas)
Sinon je crois que la rotation de l'étendu aurra lieu en 2005.
Edit : j'ai trouvé ça
Extended Format Changes
Kyle Murray, Magic Brand Manager
Friday, May 17, 2002
There will be a significant change to the Extended tournament format when Onslaught rotates into play in the fall. Standard has a rotation every 3 sets. Similarly, Extended will have a rotation every 3 blocks. While Standard fluctuates between 4 and 6 sets, Extended will fluctuate between 6 and 8 blocks.
At the initial implementation of this pattern, the legal blocks will be: Onslaught, Odyssey, Invasion, Mercadian Masques, Urza's Saga, and Tempest. Base set editions are counted as being part of the block during which they were released. This means that 6th Edition and 7th Edition will be included in the new Extended format.
As a result, this means that dual lands will be rotating out of Extended on November 1st, 2002, along with the Ice Age block (including Alliances and Homelands), Mirage Block (including Visions and Weatherlight), and 5th edition. In 2005 the Tempest, Urza's Saga, and Mercadian Masques blocks, as well as 6th Edition, will be rotating out.
We believe this new Extended Format rotation policy will result in a healthy and challenging play environment with a greatly reduced need for card banning.
PS: j'avais raison pour 2005 _o/ \o/ \o_
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